Surname: Laidvee
Forename: Raul
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 02/11/1992
From: Estonia/Tartu
Languages: English, Estonia
Location: Estonia, Tartu
Time-zone: GMT + 2
Why do I think I am eligible for being GM?
*Im loyal to this community
*I know many fun events
*I like to help people
*I don't like cheaters
*I want to share my knowledge and skills
*I don't loose my temper
*I'm friendly and i respect every player/staff
*Im mature enough
Average amount of time I can spend In-Game?
Well... Let's say about 4-5 hours a day. At weekends 2-8
Average amount of time I can spend In-Forum?
Let's say about 5-6 hours per day .
Experience in MU.
I've been moderator here + had all other positsions(But not here. I was just a moderator here)
Are you a moderator or GM right now on any forum or server? No.
Other things:
I want to bring InfinityMu to TOP1 server. I will do my best to gain that positsion. I was inactive for a while, because i had real life issues, but everything is alright now. I got much spare time now and i got nothing to do, so i would like to help Infinity community.
Thank you guys/girls for reading this < 3
Forename: Raul
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 02/11/1992
From: Estonia/Tartu
Languages: English, Estonia
Location: Estonia, Tartu
Time-zone: GMT + 2
Why do I think I am eligible for being GM?
*Im loyal to this community
*I know many fun events
*I like to help people
*I don't like cheaters
*I want to share my knowledge and skills
*I don't loose my temper
*I'm friendly and i respect every player/staff
*Im mature enough
Average amount of time I can spend In-Game?
Well... Let's say about 4-5 hours a day. At weekends 2-8
Average amount of time I can spend In-Forum?
Let's say about 5-6 hours per day .
Experience in MU.
I've been moderator here + had all other positsions(But not here. I was just a moderator here)
Are you a moderator or GM right now on any forum or server? No.
Other things:
I want to bring InfinityMu to TOP1 server. I will do my best to gain that positsion. I was inactive for a while, because i had real life issues, but everything is alright now. I got much spare time now and i got nothing to do, so i would like to help Infinity community.
Thank you guys/girls for reading this < 3
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