not the whole video he cut the end where I kicked him xD still a great match WP Renato!right in the áss sugarlino
OMG u attack me when I upload the video so i got some lag dude just practice more and stop saying me wpe ^^not the whole video he cut the end where I kicked him xD
review the video. did I say you WPE? when did I say you WPE?OMG u attack me when I upload the video so i got some lag dude just practice more and stop saying me wpe ^^
you and your friend say me wpe dude ^^review the video. did I say you WPE? when did I say you WPE?
dude try to widen your eyes if I said WPE to you. I am not saying anything to you about WPE. why are you so defensive about WPE? I never said you are using WPE. My member told you that not and your friend say me wpe dude ^^