OK simply guide how to make items up to +13.
Use 9 Jewel Of Soul to make your item to +9 (100% success rate)
Next follow steps:
Upgrading to +10 item
-1 x chaos jewel
-1 x weapon/armor/shield/wing +9 (luck increases % success)
-1 x bless
-1 x soul
Upgrading item to +11
-1 x chaos
-1 x weapon/armor/shield/wing +10 (luck increases success)
-2 x bless
-2 x soul
Upgrading item to +12
-1 x chaos
-1 x weapon/armor/shield/wing +11 (luck increases success)
-3 x bless
-3 x soul
Upgrading item to +13
-1 x chaos
-1 x weapon/armor/shield/wing +12 (luck increases success)
-4 x bless
-4 x soul
Hope this guide will help newbies in making their items to +13.
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Use 9 Jewel Of Soul to make your item to +9 (100% success rate)
Next follow steps:
Upgrading to +10 item
-1 x chaos jewel
-1 x weapon/armor/shield/wing +9 (luck increases % success)
-1 x bless
-1 x soul
Upgrading item to +11
-1 x chaos
-1 x weapon/armor/shield/wing +10 (luck increases success)
-2 x bless
-2 x soul
Upgrading item to +12
-1 x chaos
-1 x weapon/armor/shield/wing +11 (luck increases success)
-3 x bless
-3 x soul
Upgrading item to +13
-1 x chaos
-1 x weapon/armor/shield/wing +12 (luck increases success)
-4 x bless
-4 x soul
Hope this guide will help newbies in making their items to +13.
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