[Valentines Day Event] It's time for marriage!

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Server Owner
February 1st , 2009
Reaction score
Hello friends,

Happy Valentines and InfinityMU Day!

Our lovely server celebrates 10 years today on 14 February (Valentine's Day - The Lovers Holiday).

Happy valentines day! We have an awesome event about this date! Everyone runs the chance of winning Uber Set for his account and his friend's account too! So please keep reading below.

Time for marriage is now!



You have more chance to win Uber Set:
1. If you get as much as you can friends on your wedding.
If you make better pictures or even a video. (tell to others too capture pics/videos too, then compile all videos in one great video about InfinityMU wedding. Make it professional. Use the 3D CAM client feature! Don't forget also to tag and put link to our site once uploaded on youtube)
3. If you use the original way that marriages usually happen. (for example get some of your friends as a priest, get godfathers. Use some event bags to fireworks etc.)

Event Rules:
1. You can't request help from an Game Master.
2. You can't ruin someone's marriage. There is 6 subservers and enough place and time for your marriage, if it's needed then you should wait someone to finish with his wedding and then proceed with yours. (you run the chance of getting banned permanently by account if you ruin someone's wedding)
3. Game Masters cannot participate in this event. Only players can! (GMs can watch a wedding, but not be an real participator for uber set rewards)

Question: How to submit my marriage videos/pictures?
Answer: Post it in this event thread.

Question: How the winners will be choosen?
Answer: Wisely, by InfinityMU Team - Admins, GMs, MODs, GFX.

Question: How actually marriage system work?
Answer: Click here for a guide.

Question: What Uber Set I can win for me and my friend?
Answer: You can win Uber set for any male class. But since the marriage can be done only between male and female classes. The female class can only win Uber Set for Elf.

Question: When the events ends??
Answer: There is no end date announced for now, we giving to everyone a lot of time to decide and make his marriage the best of all.

I please you, just don't spam useless posts in this event thread. If you have an real question then you can ask and only use this thread to submit your event videos/pictures. If you want to thanks me, use the thanks button, it will be really appreciated!

Thank You,
The InfinityMU Team
We have a winner! Congratulations! DonatorSam won the event with several points:
1. Good process of the weeding.
2. Good Priest.
3. /marry commands used and announce in the whole server that both are married.
4. Advertised our website in youtube video description. Thanks for this one!
5. Very Good Bride Actress.
6. Good Groom Actor.
7. Fair guests acting.

1 Male Class Set for -Andre.
1 Female Class Set for MissJ

To claim your prize please contact us at support@infinitymu.net

*You can't choose from Draconite Uber Set Reward List.

Since not enough participants and i am good admin who always reward more than the expected :nuhnuh: i'd reward you both but I can't really do it because jhaym5151 did not even made his youtube video title something like "InfinityMU weeding" or video clip description with our website name unlike Sam did and several minuses I will list below:

Bad points to jhaym5151:
1. No advertising of our server and website by any way in youtube, not even the youtube video title is our server's name
2. NON-English language in marriage process all the time (guests spamming)
3. Too many stores open and cannot see what's going on around the couples (a few players moving next to the couple for no reason).
4. Many trash talks all the time not involved in the weeding.
5. Bad process of the weeding.
6. Not used /marry command? Why? That's an additional minus too.

Good points jhaym5151:
1. Good Priest.
Special thanks to sir RESiSTANT <3

Thank you BadKnight who was priest in this wedding. :D

And for our guests and witnesses thank you appreciated much :D

Also to my friend -Andre. Who was recorded this video appreciated bro Thank you!
This is unexpected congrats both us :D
First of all i would like to thank you all admins and espcially to sir resistant for choosing our entry as the winner of our server's wedding event. it's such a pleasure to know that you liked our entry.

PS :Thanks to Sir BadKnight coz this will not happen without you sir and to the guest who attended the wedding. Congrats to us DonatorSam :D
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