Information Veteran & Supporter

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Server Owner
February 1st , 2009
Reaction score
Hello friends!

Due millions of PM and email requests to me about joining Veteran and Supporter groups I would like to remind and inform you how to join the coolest groups ever without a hassle and PMs such "Hi sir! I want to join Veteran group. Do I meet the requirements?" Instead asking me, firsty ask the question to yourself - Do I meet the requirements? Then PM me if you are sure that you meet the below requirmeents which I will explain and remind you that we have posted in our Guidelines & FAQ section.

Groups legend can be found here. (group legend = info about each forum rank/group in forum)

Supporter and Veteran ranks information:

• Supporter
Members who help the server and the community in many ways. [More Info]

• Veteran
Members who are registered +2 years ago and won several big events.

If you meet the Supporter requirements, please PM me with all the reports, guides and useful posts of you or just tell me that you meet the requirements and I will check all your posts of your forum account.

If you meet the Veteran requirements (member from +2 years in forum and you have won big events) then please PM me with links to all the events you have won.
Your tag will be issued up to 24 hours. There's no need to PM me twice because that would slower my work.

Thank You
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