Game Update Vote & Reward (new)

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Server Owner
February 1st , 2009
Reaction score
Hello friends,

Vote Reward has been updated. Link:


  • Separated login system (auto login if you are already logged in main site or webshop)
  • Vote check in real time
  • Vote validating
  • Shows when you can vote again for more convenience
  • Ranking / will be reseted every month
  • ... more ...

If you find bugs - report!

Thank You,
Your InfinityMU Team
hard vote, back old vote reward :/

It's hard to vote but it comes with a price, Truth be told we have greater rewards now :smile: , in fact it reaches 600+ credits I suppose. Thus with this new system you can buy F.O equipment by voting only 3 times(36 hours).On the server's side, Infinity is getting legitimate votes for server polls making this new vote system an asset. :smile: (Sorry for spamming I just had to share my opinion)

On topic, I found a minor glitch.

Sometimes when internet connection is slow/trafficked, the page get stuck and keeps saying "Validating votes ....... " and stays that way without adding vote points. The "Validating.................." just keeps loading and loading without any progress until you refresh it and you still won't get vote points
and also the page loads slow. Aside from that this system Rocks \W/(^_^)\W/
(Please don't take this as something negative)
It's hard to vote but it comes with a price, Truth be told we have greater rewards now :smile: , in fact it reaches 600+ credits I suppose. Thus with this new system you can buy F.O equipment by voting only 3 times(36 hours).On the server's side, Infinity is getting legitimate votes for server polls making this new vote system an asset. :smile: (Sorry for spamming I just had to share my opinion)

On topic, I found a minor glitch.

Sometimes when internet connection is slow/trafficked, the page get stuck and keeps saying "Validating votes ....... " and stays that way without adding vote points. The "Validating.................." just keeps loading and loading without any progress until you refresh it and you still won't get vote points
and also the page loads slow. Aside from that this system Rocks \W/(^_^)\W/
(Please don't take this as something negative)

This with validating issue might happen because other topsite is offline and cannot make connection with our server. In MMORPGTOP100.NET site we have this issue solved and credits should be 100% added even servers can't reach connections at some time.
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