Exactly as
@Jero mentioned. Some players are displeased, sometimes they spell it out but mostly they dont tell what kind of change - update can please them. But I cant blame you at full. Maybe you guys think you will create a thread about something but you wont listened. Maybe you guys see that no one asking you if you guys are pleased or not. Maybe you guys want someone in charge see things and bring changes. There are lot of variations. This is your time, your gaming place and belive me or not, you guys are the key of change in this community.
I see, people write things and end that with "nohate". Why? You guys are afraid from whom? What can someone's hate do to you? You will get banned or trashed? What makes you guys afraid so much that makes you stay quiet? I dont know. I myself, saw muonline at its golden ages. Most of you cant imagine how beautiful this game was. Because we players, we made this game fun to play with our playing methods. Sure, decades been passed, things changed in all of online games from best to worst. People play games in different ways today. I agree with that, but yet you have a chance to make InfinityMU your fun ground.
A guy wrote above that, he achieved everything and nothing to do in game. This?... People been calling me Legend, Most Friendly Player at 2011. Is there anything to achieve more than that? But I kept playing actively till middle of 2015. Playing 4-5 years actively after calling Legend and yet never lost any respect in front of any player in those times. I was known as player. I never earned reputation with having any staff rank or ingame rank as Guild Master. I was player that every single Staff and Guild Master respected me. Because I threated them with respect at first. Those respectful auras made me login every day to play with players. We joked with each other, we had fun with each other. They were my social friends from all over world.
So, what I want to say. If your time has come, your gaming days are over, then just quit with full of respect. Or if you have time to play games and call Infinity home, then your home and responsibilities to make it better. But at first, find out what makes you afraid and try to overcome that. At my primes, there been a lot of changes happened. When i started to play InfinityMU, this was just default Season3 game without single anti-cheat. Compare that to todays final updates. I saw all of them. But at my primes, me and my respectful mates spelled things what makes us unpleased and most of the times our demand been granted.
Are you sad because there is one Ally that dominating? and no more players to create an alternative ally? Bring a suggestion about 2 guild ally system with 20 players limit. You think stadium is empty and full of afks and dislike that? Bring suggestion about disable-ing stadium and create alternative pvp maps to play. With that way you will see tons of players in every map. Tons of players attract tons of players. At my times, Dungeons were full with Duelers or Wars, all of losttowers had players dueling. Aida2, atlans, lorenica gates, my lovely Devias. I log on InfinityMU that actively because of one thing that I mentioned above, "Players to play with". Else why I needed to login 9999x server for years, because I already achieved everything I wanted? I quit when there were no players for me to play with and real life stuffs for sure. Sure I wrote those 2 options witout learning your opinions and without thinking that deep. Sometimes things are much more easier to reach than you think.