there is no connect button on my luncher
I hope it will help you
Use the autoupdate as mentioned above or try if you can access . If you can't,then maybe the IP was blocked,ask the owner of that shop to check on another computer and if it is same ,then he should notify the internet provider to unblock the IP of our server.
i cat log in to the site u just sent .. i think our ip is blocked. and the owner of the shop isnt here so we cant call the service provider.. and how come our ip is blocked by the game we are paying this game for 6 months now and this is our first encounter
how can i know what my ip is.. all the shops in our municipality got the same problem in logging in..and in here we have the same ip address.It's either infinitymu is blocked by your ISP OR infinityMU blocked your IP.
Infinity might have blocked your ip because of DDoS attacked (which happened to me in the past) there were several innocent IP ranges that were blocked by infinity mu. PM Resistant your ip and let him check.
IP adress in unique. Visit this website to check your ip : click mehow can i know what my ip is.. all the shops in our municipality got the same problem in logging in..and in here we have the same ip address.
now i see it.. i will send only the ip sir? to you or the screenshot of it ?Check now. Problem should be fixed.
Problem solved, thread closed.tnx for the help guys .. i can now connect more power to you all