Information Why mutual respect is important in our server.

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iMU Admin
August 30th , 2012
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Dear InfinityMU Players,Forumers and Staff members

I would like to write a long and explanative thread based on why mutual respect in here is vital for the health and life of our server and community.

I would also like to adress communication issues between the players and Staff Team.

First of all,I am going to explain what we do here:

The Staff team is online daily,dispersed in different time zones so here 24/7 there is a Staff member,despite our personal lives,working here for you,absolutely without the idea of something in return. We work FOR YOU,so we can bring YOU - The player base - A unique GAMING experience,something out of ordinary,a clean environment and a STABLE, Long living server,a beautiful FORUM filled with all the information you need,which as you well know is here for 13 whole YEARS. 13 YEARS,something in which not a lot of games,not to mention servers can be proud of.

We resolve game issues,we answer questions,we provide assistance from a distance,we make your play time here something which you will look forward to,after a hard day. And we do that without the idea of gratitude or appreciation. We do it for you,for our Administrator who can't do this alone and for the LOVE of this game.

We are not robots,we are living humans and thus sometimes we make mistakes,but we never make a decision which will be of benefit to a single person. We are doing everything according to our rules and we make OBJECTIVE and NON BIASED Decisions. We do not support certain groups of players or guilds or alliances. We support the best interest of this server.

A server which we like to keep clean not only of problems but of hackers as well. Hackers ruin the gaming experience for everyone,they win without the idea of fairplay and when YOU the competitive Player who has invested time and many many game hours in this game and get beaten by a hacker,what do you do? You come and report him and we take care of the situation.BUT we do not ban him,just because YOU think he is a hacker! We make a full fledged investigation until we reach a mutual decision about a case.

And on the other side are YOU - the players. You play,enter events,have fun and EXPECT everything to be near perfect so you can have a reason to stay.

There our communication begins,our relationship with you. We are always the first people you need to ask when you have a problem with the things above.

We respect each and every one of you,without exceptions.For us it doesnt matter if you are a Europen or an Asian,American,Sout american,African or Australian players,we think of you us equal human beings and treat you all equally,because we are taught and believe in the rights YOU HAVE.

And there come the communication issues - Insults,racism and direspect. A Staff member who has done such is immediately demoted,banned and listed as never to be promoted again. And when you players do that,we apply the rules we MADE for EVERYONE.

Rules are simple,non biased and rely on common sense. We have not made impossible to follow rules,we make such which are almost everywhere in the world.

*Respect eachother and play a clean game

When you break those 2 fundmental rules,you face the consequences and it is how it should be.

Our Administrator sometimes works 24 hours to bring you the ultimate gaming experience, and when you disrespect his server,it's like you personally insult the WORK and TIME he has invested in this.
We also work to help him and make it easier,he is not a machine and when you insult and disrespect us,you directly attack OUR WORK and TIME we invest here.

So what is the point of this thread?

The point is I call for mutual respect and better communication between the PLAYERS and The Staff.

You - players - are the most important segment to the game,not only for RESiSTANT but for us The Staff Team. We won't exist without you,so we are important for one another.

We will never humiliate or make fun of you,let's be equal on these terms. As long as we show respect each other,the server will be an awesome place for multiple times the 13 years it's here.

We will always be here for you,
Yours sincerely
InfinityMU Staff Team
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