In this case the creator of the ISO known as Doofy is based on one of the most recent versions of Windows that is Windows 10, in which he gave a very incredible improvement in the Gamer style.
This Windows consumes less resources and is very good for playing games,I have installing this Windows on my PC.
as can you see in this picture the % of RAM and CPU is very low with Infinity,WTFast and Skype
CPU: 8% - 1,82 Ghz
RAM: 2.2/8.0 GB (28%)
HDD: 0%
Windows Link:!d2RwXapB!aeL9-i7AkUS6ra8_g6tAw7Rio8Iq7bPHz6zvqh91C5A
Windows Certificates:!hiIzmJYT!1kmSkWpVA0nBCA-1SkKe2nouDQ5E6bTNnKuc_CRADIE
More versions:
Some versions do not have MD5 protection you can see the details on the page
You must install the certificates "1,2,3" to access the internet.
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