Release [Wings]

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June 8th , 2010
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United Kingdom
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Cloak of death looks pretty good, can be used on BM's wings?

as far as i know cos, it can't...based on experience when i tried to replace DM wing.bmd with the cape of lord bmd it looked like trash... if you replace your BM wings .bmd with the Cloak of death, it would look like a piece of paper stuck in your charcter's back... but i am not 100% sure , so there is no harm in trying... just save a back-up for the original files :XD: of course you already know this ^_^ just reminding :XD:
Nice, Those are the official "2.5" wings from EX700 version.
We goanna have them on Insania :P
wow cool skins how to use them? im new here!! thanks

you have to download one skin , rename the bmd files from what wings you want to replace , and paste infinitymu/data/item

here are bmd files
Data/Item (Wings)
wing01.bmd - wings of elf
wing02.bmd - wings of satan
wing03.bmd - wings of heaven
wing04.bmd - wings of spirit
wing05.bmd - wings of soul
wing06.bmd - wings of dragon
wing07.bmd - wings of darkness
wing08.bmd - Wings of Storm (s3) - 3rd wing of BM
wing09.bmd - Wings of Vortex (s3) - 3rd wing of GM
wing10.bmd - Wings of Illusion (s3) - 3rd wing of HE
wing11.bmd - Wings of Doom (s3) - 3rd wing of DM
wing42.bmd - Wings of Despair (s3 ep2) - 1st wing of Summoner
wing43.bmd - Wings of Catastrophe (s3 ep2) - 2nd wing of Summoner
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