[World Cup Soccer FIFA 2014]
Guess The Score Event
Guess The Score Event
Hello friends,
World Cup Soccer FIFA 2014 begins today, Thursday, June 12th, 2014 in Brazil. Join with us at the so called "Guess The Score Event" here at our forums for every day games. We, the InfinityMU Team, will be posting every day's games results and then the next day games so you can start guessing the final result. Even if you are not much into the soccer / you don't even watch soccer, you can still post your random bet (prediction) and you still can win.
France vs Nigeria
Germany vs Algeria
1. Post the result that you think will happen here in this topic.and
2. You can post only once for each game.
3. Posting a bet is free, and we won't charge credits for your bets.
Example, how you can post:
Brazil vs Croatia: 3-1
You have the chance to win 1,000 Credits if you guess the exact result for the corresponding game.
That's how it works. Good luck to everyone!
More on Google: https://www.google.com/search?q=World Cup 2014
More on FIFA.com: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/index.html
Thank You,
The InfinityMU Team