wrong harmony

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New member
July 29th , 2014
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I previously bought mok, but I picked the wrong harmony my mok is crit hormony pls change sd ignore Thank you in advance
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Wepp,first don't give out your id just like that in the thread.When you have a problem with a donated item,contact directly RESiSTANT,because he is the only who can help you with a donated item.And in the future,when you donate for an item check everything you want so you don't have problems like these.
From what i heard from resis, if u purchase ur smok a few days ago u can request for a change of yellow opt . u can contact him thru skype which is more convenient. If u have bought it for very long already, just change it through webshop like what Vape said. :)
Since you just bought it you can ask RESiSTANT about the yellow option change. But if you want the faster way, and you have credits as well you can follow Vape's advice and go to the webshop :)
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