Due several requests we have decided to offer an Unban Promo for Banned Accounts.
If your account is blocked for any reason (abusing our game or forum rules) then you can donate $25 USD right now and receive bonus Uber Mace of the King or 2 Uber Accessories by your choice + Freedom of your account. You can also request other Uber Items (up to 2 Uber Items) equivalent to $10 USD. (that's the bonus).
The agreement is: You will promise not to abuse The Game Rules again and in case you are caught for abuse there won't be any unban chance even if donation is sent again.
Payments is accepted only via Western Union or Money Gram.
Compensation of 10,000 Credits is included for the WU or MG tax.
Deadline is January 31, 2014.
Due several requests we have decided to offer an Unban Promo for Banned Accounts.
If your account is blocked for any reason (abusing our game or forum rules) then you can donate $25 USD right now and receive bonus Uber Mace of the King or 2 Uber Accessories by your choice + Freedom of your account. You can also request other Uber Items (up to 2 Uber Items) equivalent to $10 USD. (that's the bonus).
The agreement is: You will promise not to abuse The Game Rules again and in case you are caught for abuse there won't be any unban chance even if donation is sent again.
Payments is accepted only via Western Union or Money Gram.
Compensation of 10,000 Credits is included for the WU or MG tax.
Deadline is January 31, 2014.