Forum Rules, Warning and Banning Procedures InfinityMU Forum

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iMU Admin
August 30th , 2012
Reaction score

1. No Advertising/Marketing/Profiting.
You will not sell anything unrelated to this site. Anyone caught will receive an automatic ban for breaking this rule and there are no second chances. You will not market any promotions that are not endorsed and approved by InfinityMU. Blatant promoting of your own website, p0rnographic contents, products or services will result in the removal of the material and the possibility of being banned.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Warning;
- 2nd = Permanent ban.

2. No Illegal Activities.
Do not talk about doing illegal activities. There are sites dedicated to this so go there for that kind of stuff. This rule is mainly about trespassing and illegal behavior. Try and keep the talk as legal as possible, please.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Warning;
- 2nd = Permanent ban.

3. No P0rnographic/Harassing/Disturbing contents.
You're not allowed to post disturbing content, we could have sensitive or susceptible adults/children with a weak heart around.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Warning;
- 2nd = 5 days ban;
- 3rd = 1 month ban;
- 4th = Permanent ban.

4. Respect. No Flaming, Provocations & Insulting or bullying.
Try to be nice to one another. This is not a place to take out your aggression. Flaming other members is unacceptable. Using the private chat/mail/message function in our forum is subjected to this forum rule as well. No insulting in InfinityMU private chat functions. If you want to insult and fight and not get banned for it, do it on other platforms but not in InfinityMU Forum OR Game.

Every usage of offensive words or anything related to inappropriate behaviour will be given a warning. At 2 warnings your Top Spammer/Legend/VIP Tag can be removed for an unspecified amount of time, depends on how grave the situation was. We will keep an eye especially on ShoutBox, not only on general forum posts.
Rest of the forum
• Penalty for flaming / normal insults / bullying:

- 1st = 3 days ban;
- 2nd = 7 days ban;
- 3rd = 14 days ban;
- 4th = 21 days ban;
After 4th ban the ban time is always 21 days in Forum.

• Penalty for heavy insults / racism:
- 1st = 30 days;
- 2nd = 60 days;
- 3rd = Permanent ban.

Important: "Flaming the staff members will result in immediate 30 days Forum account ban as a warning, second time will be permanent Forum account ban", thank you.

5. No Offensive/bad forum account login credentials.
The forum account login credentials you choose must not contain any offensive language at all. Sexual, racist or in any way discriminatory content are not tolerated, as well as excessive swearing. If you think it might break this rule, it probably will. Don't use it.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Warning + user changed to a random one similar to "Infinity001" or "Baduser01" with the possibility of changing in a desired forum user by asking a SMOD/LMOD in PM;
- 2nd = 3 days ban + user changed to a random one similar to "Infinity001" or "Baduser01";
- 3rd = 1 week ban + removal of ability to change forum user permanently.

6. Language.
Using English in all forum sections and ShoutBox is required. Other languages are allowed only in Localized Forum sections. Applies to content you share in form of screenshots/videos etc.
- 1st = Friendly warning (post in Notes on User's Profile);
- 2nd = Warning;
- 3rd = 24 hours ban;
- 4th = 3 days ban;
- 5th = 5 days ban;
After 5th ban the ban time is always 5 days.

7. Spamming.
Please make sure that you are posting for the good of the community, not just for the sake of self-promotion. Our Moderators reserve the right to edit any posts they consider to be "SPAM". (Our GMs can also edit the "SPAM" posts). The minimum post size should have 10 words. In general, try and add something to the topic besides "I agree" or something like "Cool, nice video/signature/idea". Spam posts are considered posts like "Thanks for sharing!" "Cool screenshot, bro!" "Haha, LOL!". Mostly every post that can easily be replaced with using the Thank you Button or the Emoji buttons is a spam post.

We recommend you use Thank you or emoji buttons instead of posting just that.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Friendly warning (post in Notes on User's Profile);
- 2nd = Warning;
- 3rd = Warning;
- 4th = 24 hours ban;
- 5th = 3 days ban;
After 5th ban the ban time is always 3 days in forum.

8. Multiple threads.
You should avoid creating multiple threads of similar content across all forum boards. If you want to add similar content while your already existing thread is still open, use "Edit" button and add it to your existing thread. Asking to close existing thread to post another one of similar content soon after also counts as a violation of this rule. Such violation will be treated as spam.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Friendly warning (post in Notes on User's Profile);
- 2nd = Warning;
- 3rd = 24 hours ban;
- 4th = 3 days ban;
- 5th = 5 days ban;
After 5th ban the ban time is always 5 days.

9. Multiple forum accounts.
You are not allowed to have more than 1 forum account. If your main account gets banned in order to use a NEW forum account you have to make a ban appeal which has to be approved by the Lead Moderator or Administrator in order to continue using it. If you are caught having / making more than 1 account, all of them will be banned permanently.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Banning all accounts except main and Warning to the main account;
- 2nd = Banning all accounts including main permanently.

10. Avatar and Signature.
Your Avatar, Signature, Userbar, Usertitle and any other type of GFX materials used on your profile must not contain any kind of advertising/p0rnographic/offensive content. You can upload images in jpg, png, gif format only, at any size you wish. You need to keep in mind that the visible area of your signature has 400px height. If your signature is bigger than 400px height, the content will be truncated. The information will still be visible if you click on the signature area. The video format is not allowed to use as signature.
•Penalty for inappropriate size/content of GFX material:
- 1st = Removing the signature(s) + Friendly warning (post in Notes on User's Profile);
- 2nd = Removing the signature(s) + Warning;
- 3rd = Removing the signature(s) + 3 Days ban'
- 4th = Removing the signature(s) + 5 Days ban'
After 4th ban the ban time is always 5 days.

Do not rip GFX works. You're not allowed to rip others works and use them as your own in any part of the InfinityMU forum, especially in Show Off section (Gift,Showcase or Auction).
•Penalty for Ripping signatures:
- 1st = Removing the ripped work + 2 Weeks Ban;
- 2nd = Removing the ripped work + Permanent Ban.

11. Discussing illegal programs/hacks/bans.
You will not discuss anything about illegal programs/hacks/bans. If you are caught breaking this then your account will be banned.
On ShoutBox or Forum
- 1st = 7 days ban;
- 2nd = 14 days ban;
- 3rd = 21 days ban;
- After 3rd always 21 days ban.

12. Fake reports
Fake reports will not be tolerated by any means, whatever the method. When caught, game rules will also apply with game related banning procedures.
• Penalty:
- 1st = 31 days ban;
- 2nd = Permanent ban.

13. Player Hosted Events.
You cannot change rules of your event while it's ongoing unless approved by Administrator / Lead Moderator. It is not fair to players.
- 1st = Warning +reverting rules to originally posted ones;
- 2nd = 24 hours ban + cancellation of the event.
If the player has decided to disappear or Cancel his event without informing the Lead Moderator or Senior Moderator about that we will follow those next Procedures.
- 1st = 7 Days Ban By Account + future events will be hosted alongside staff and their watchful eyes, with event prizes already in the possession of the team.
- 2nd = 7 Days Ban By Account + permanent BAN on players hosted events (or until rescinded by the Lead Moderator or Senior Moderator)
- 3rd = 14 Days Ban By Account + permanent BAN on players hosted events with NO chance to host any event ever.

14. Forum hosted events (including in-game events).
Cheating in events is strongly prohibited. Cheating consists also of asking for votes in Forum/Game-related Event polls.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Warning + disqualification from the event;
- 2nd = 14 days ban + disqualification from the event;
- 3rd = 31 days ban + permanently disqualification from any forum events.
IMPORTANT!: disqualification from the event means removing the FIMES and any rewards in general in case they have been won.

15. ShoutBox.
ShoutBox is for small talk. It falls under the forum rules and the ones below:
  • You may not post in any other languages than English; (see the W&B procedures from 6.Language rule)
  • You may not spam or post any links related to Market Place or BTA (Big Trade Assistance); (see the W&B procedures from 15.ShoutBox rule)
  • Asking for any questions related to MU (use the forum sections instead); (simply guide the user, no need to warn)
  • You may not spam or post any links related to recruiting forum users to guilds/allies; (see the W&B procedures from 15.ShoutBox rule)
  • You may not spam (post 6 times in a row); (see the W&B procedures from 15.Shoutbox rule)
  • You may not use the following BB Codes in the chatbox: SIZE, CODE, QUOTE, VIDEO; (simply guide the user, no need to warn)
  • You may not discuss any illegal 3rd party program including Macro. (see the W&B procedures from 11. Discussing illegal programs/hacks rule)
  • You may not share media links, we have a whole section to share all your stuff (see the W&B procedures from 15.ShoutBox rule)

For Selling/Trading items // Recruiting members to Guilds/Alliances // Spamming Media Links // Spamming (6 Messages in a row), we have the following:
- 1st = Friendly warning via PM (+ post in Notes on User's Profile);
- 2nd = Profile Warning;
- 3rd = 24 hours ban from ShoutBox;
- 4th = 3 days ban from ShoutBox;
- 5th = 7 days ban from ShoutBox;
- 6th = 14 days ban from ShoutBox;
After 6th ban the ban time is always 14 days in ShoutBox.

False accusations// Provocation // Flaming & Insults //Hard Insults & Racism // Staff & Server Insult, we have the following:

*False accusations
-1st Offence - 7 days ban by account
-2nd Offene - 14 days ban by account
-3rd Offence - 21 days ban by account
-4th Offence - 31 days ban by account
NOTE!: After 4th Offence - ban time is 31 days ban ACCOUNT

-1st Offence - Warning on Profile
-2nd Offence - 3 days ban by ACCOUNT
-3rd Offence - 7 days ban by ACCOUNT
-4th Offence - 14 days ban by ACCOUNT
-5th Offence - 30 days ban by ACCOUNT
NOTE!: - Every offence after 5th Offence is always 30 days ban BY ACCOUNT

*Flaming & Insults
-1st Offence - 24 hours ban by ACCOUNT
-2nd Offence - 5 days ban by ACCOUNT
-3rd Offence - 10 days ban by ACCOUNT
-4th Offence - 30 days by ACCOUNT
-5th Offence - 90 days by ACCOUNT
NOTE!: After 5th Offence,the ban time is always 90 days ban by ACCOUNT

*Hard Insults & Racism
-1st Offence - 30 days ban by ACCOUNT
-2nd Offence - 90 days ban by ACCOUNT
-3rd Offence - 365 DAYS FORUM ACCOUNT BAN

Important: "Flaming the staff members will result in immediate 30 days Forum account ban as a warning, second time will be permanent Forum account ban", thank you.

16. Market Place Rules.
The Market Place Rules cover the guidelines in which you need to post your trading goods and the actions you can take while selling/buying them. Read More in detail in here:
Failing to comply with the Market Place Rules will lead to the following penalty:
• Penalty:
- 1st = Friendly warning (post in Notes on User's Profile);
- 2nd = Warning;
- 3rd = 1 day ban;
- 4th = 3 days ban;
- 5th = 5 days ban;
After 5th ban the ban time is always 5 days.

17. Private Challenges(PCH).
• Bump is not allowed. Bump, same as creating arguments / provocations will lead to:
• Penalty:
- 1st = Warning + challenge cancellation;
- 2nd= 7 days ban.
• Nobody is allowed to make any kind of posts except the 2 duellists.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Friendly warning (post in Notes on User's Profile);
- 2nd = Warning;
- 3rd = 7 days ban.
• Breaking absurd bet rule / Breaking accepted rules / Not posting video will be punished severely:
• Penalty:
- 1st = 7 days ban + challenge cancellation + inability to post any PCH with bet for a month;
- 2nd= 31 days ban + challenge cancellation + inability to post any PCH threads with bets.

18. Spread of propaganda.
Please leave your religious / political / conspiracy theory views for your own friend circle or people that share your views in real life, this is gaming community. We do not promote anything of sort as well as we will not let it be promoted through us. Any misleading content such as "5G causes corona", "Corona is a hoax" as well as "Your religion is bad, my is the true and only one" and everything of the sort will not be treated lightly across any forum board and any of it's extensions.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Warning;
- 2nd = 1 month ban;
- 3rd = 3 months ban;
After 3rd ban the ban time is always 3 months.

19. Leaking information from Report Section
You are not allowed to discuss or leak any content that is used or posted inside Report Section. That area is confidential and all information inside of it is also considered confidential.
If you are caught leaking information,you will be punished severely from the Staff Team.

• Penalty:
- 1st = Warning on profile
- 2nd = 7 days ban;
- 3rd = 31 days/1 month ban
- 4th = 90 days/3 months ban;
NOTE!: After 4th Offence - ban time is 90 days ban ACCOUNT

20. Selling/buying items and accounts for real money.
You are not allowed to sell or buy or trade your accounts & items for real money. This game is F2P and does not support personal gain.

• Penalty:
- 1st = 31 days ban
- 2nd = 3 months ban
- 3rd = 6 months ban
After the 3rd time,the ban is always 6 months ban by account.

21. Lying & Fooling the Staff Team.
Fooling or lying to any staff member is not allowed. Providing false information (such as lost items, fabricating situations / things or anything else) will lead to instant Forum Account ban.

• Penalty:
- 1st = 7 day(s) Forum Ban;
- 2nd = 14 day(s) Forum Ban;
After 2nd ban the ban time is always 14 day(s).

This page does not cover all the rules. If a staff member finds an unfitting behaviour, he or she will punish the forumer accordingly.

"Rules are subjected to change at any time and players are responsible to accustom to the changes."
Forum users, who have been banned in game by HWID will automatically be banned permanently in the forum as well.
Lead Moderator reserves the right to change or remove the user's ban depending on the given situation or the severity of the case.

Thank you,
InfinityMU Administration.


iMU Admin
August 30th , 2012
Reaction score
Update for 20. Private Challenges(PCH).
Breaking absurd bet rule will be punished severely:


1. PCH Thread closed and creator banned for 7 days from the forum.
2. 2nd Offense - 31 days from the forum + inability to post any PCH threads for the future.


1. PCH Thread closed, creator banned for 7 days from the forum + inability to post any PCH with bet for a month;
2. 2nd Offense - 31 days from the forum + inability to post any PCH threads with bets.

- 1ra = Ban de 7 días + cancelación del desafío; + no podrá publicar ningún hilo de Desafío Privado (PCH) con apuesta durante un mes;
- 2do= 31 días de ban + cancelación de reto + inhabilidad de postear hilos de retos privados con apuestas.

- 1st = 7 araw na ban + Pagkansela ng Hamon + pagkawala ng kakayahan na mag post ng PCH na may kasamang pusta sa loob ng isang buwan;
- 2nd = 31 araw ang ban + ang hamon ay kansela + kawalan ng kakayahan para mag post ng articulo na PCH na may kasamang pusta.
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iMU Admin
August 30th , 2012
Reaction score
I am happy to announce that due to our move to Xenforo, the Forum Rules get to be updated, discarding some of our rules since they are no longer needed:

We are removing the following:

8. Double Post.
Please do not post twice or multiple times in a row. Use Edit Post Button if you wish to edit/add information to your already submitted post or Multiple Quote Button in case you want to quote multiple users.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Friendly warning (post in Notes on User's Profile);
- 2nd = Warning;
- 3rd = 24 hours ban;
- 4th = 3 days ban;
- 5th = 5 days ban;
After 5th ban the ban time is always 5 days.

9. Bumping threads.
"Bump" is an acronym for "bring up my post" and it does exactly that. It pushes your thread in the Latest Post section for more visibility. Any forum thread that needs bumping (market or recruiting threads) can be bumped once every 24h minimum. Meaning, if you bumped your thread yesterday at 12:00 PM, you can bump it today at 12:01 PM or later. Earlier than today at 12:01 PM is considered an early bump.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Friendly warning (post in Notes on User's Profile);
- 2nd = Warning;
- 3rd = 24 hours ban;
- 4th = 3 days ban;
- 5th = 14 days ban;
After 5th ban the ban time is always 14 days.

13. Font in posts/ShoutBox messages.
Using light/dark coloured fonts in your post is forbidden! We have light and dark themes of the forum and we must respect all users who use them! Also, you will not use any big font sizes in your posts or signature.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Friendly warning (post in Notes on User's Profile);
- 2nd = Warning;
- 3rd = 24 hours ban;
- 4th = 3 days ban;
After 4th ban the ban time is always 3 days.
The Avatar and signature rule was edited. Now you can upload a jpg, png, gif at any size you wish. You need to keep in mind that the visible area of your signature has 400px height. If your signature is bigger than 400px height, the content will be truncated. The information will still be visible if you click on the signature area. You can add images in a row, if they are small enough to be contained on the same row, like this example, or big images, like this example or a mix, whatever your heart desires as long as it's appropriate and decent.

Former rule:

12. Avatar and Signature.
Your Avatar, Signature, Userbar, Usertitle and any other type of GFX materials used on your profile must not contain any kind of advertising/p0rnographic/offensive content.

There are two maximum signature formats that you can use: either 2x 500x200px or 1x 500x400px.
You can have 1x Userbar no bigger than 500x80px.
You can mix them as it follows:
  • 2x Signatures 500x200px + 1x Userbar/Quote
  • 2x Userbars 500x80px + 1x Quote OR 2x Quotes+1x Userbar 500x80px
  • 1x Signature of 500x400px + 1x Userbar+1x Quote
  • 1x Signature of 500x400px + 2x Quotes/Userbars
The signature size recommended is the maximum size you can have. As long as you have a maximum of 500px width and 400px height, you can mix the size as you wish.
Any type of video is not allowed to use as signature. No por*ographic or any offensive content. No advertising of any sort. Follow the exact size of the signature, because these are our policies.
•Penalty for inappropriate size/content of GFX material:
- 1st = Removing the signature(s) + Friendly warning (post in Notes on User's Profile);
- 2nd = Removing the signature(s) + Warning;
- 3rd = Removing the signature(s) + 3 Days ban'
- 4th = Removing the signature(s) + 5 Days ban'
After 4th ban the ban time is always 5 days.

Do not rip GFX works. You're not allowed to rip others works and use them as your own in any part of the InfinityMU forum, especially in Show Off section (Gift,Showcase or Auction).
•Penalty for Ripping signatures:
- 1st = Removing the ripped work + 2 Weeks Ban;
- 2nd = Removing the ripped work + Permanent Ban.
Rule no. 14 was edited also. It received ”bans” alongside ”illegal programs/hacks”. Bellow you can see the previous version.
14. Discussing illegal programs/hacks.
You will not discuss anything about illegal programs/hacks. If you are caught breaking this then your account will be banned.
Penalty: always - 7 days ban
IMPORTANT!: Holds the chance to be increased by SMod / LMod even up to permanent at any time given the circumstances and ignorance towards previous punishments.
Happy Gaming!


iMU Admin
August 30th , 2012
Reaction score

12. Failed/Fake reports
Please read and follow the rules and guidelines of each report sub-section before writing a report thread. You can find the rules&guidelines if you click on "READ MORE>" button situated on the top animated banner. It's hard to miss it since it's the only animated banner in all report sub-sections.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Friendly warning (post in Notes on User's Profile);
- 2nd = Warning;
- 3rd = 3 days Ban;
- 4th = 5 days Ban;
After 4th ban the ban time is always 5 days.
Penalty for Fake Reports (ingame related)
- Permanent forum account ban

Thanks to Jero, Peaceful and DORAEMON failed reports is no longer bannable as we have created a more intuitive system of reporting due to fact that we grew sick of having to punish people for simple desire to report bad conduct. This should have not been introduced in the first place, but sadly it was a mess and nobody followed anything and it was our last measure at the time. Rule changed to:

12. Fake reports
Fake reports will not be tolerated by any means, whatever the method. When caught, game rules will also apply with game related banning procedures.
• Penalty:
- 1st = 31 days ban;
- 2nd = Permanent ban.


Silent Assassin
May 27th , 2013
Reaction score
Buenos Aires, Argentina
11. Discussing illegal programs/hacks/bans.
You will not discuss anything about illegal programs/hacks/bans. Simulating AP/AC/Macro similar to "qweQW^EQ^WE" is also forbidden. If you are caught breaking this then your account will be banned.
Penalty: always - 7 days ban
IMPORTANT!: Holds the chance to be increased by SMod / LMod even up to permanent at any time given the circumstances and ignorance towards previous punishments.
11.Pagtatalakay sa mga iligal na programa / hack / ban.
Hindi ka maaring tumalakay ng anuman tungkol sa mga ilegal na programa kagaya ng macro or hack o ng ano man ukol sa ban. Ipinagbabawal din ang pagtulad sa AP/AC/Macro na katulad ng "qweQW^EQ^WE". Kung mahuli kang lumabag dito ay magreresulta ito ng pinaghihigpitang pag-access ng iyong account o ang iyong forum account ay maba-ban.
  • Parusa: Una at palaging - 7 araw na pagbabawal
    MAHALAGA!: Hawak ang pagkakataong madagdagan ng SMod / LMod kahit hanggang permanente sa anumang oras dahil sa mga pangyayari at kamangmangan sa mga nakaraang parusa.
11. Discutir Programas ilegales/Hacks/Bans.
No discutirá nada sobre programas ilegales/hacks/bans. Simular AP/AC/Macro similar a "qweQW^EQ^WE" también está prohibido. Si es atrapado rompiendo esta regla, su cuenta será baneada.
Penalidad: siempre - Ban de 7 días.
IMPORTANTE!: Tiene la posibilidad de ser incrementado por algún SMod/LMod, incluso hasta permanente en cualquier momento, dadas las circunstancias y la ignorancia hacia los castigos anteriores.



Silent Assassin
May 27th , 2013
Reaction score
Buenos Aires, Argentina
11. Discussing illegal programs/hacks/bans.
You will not discuss anything about illegal programs/hacks/bans. Simulating AP/AC/Macro similar to "qweQW^EQ^WE" is also forbidden. If you are caught breaking this then your account will be banned.
Penalty: always - 7 days ban
IMPORTANT!: Holds the chance to be increased by SMod / LMod even up to permanent at any time given the circumstances and ignorance towards previous punishments.
Due the late ignorance from the players regarding this rule, I feel forced to increase the punishments to players who break this rule. Bans apply to your forum account, not only shoutbox.
This seems to be the only way to stop you from discussing bans publicly

11. Discussing illegal programs/hacks/bans.
You will not discuss or mention anything about illegal programs/hacks/bans. Simulating AP/AC/Macro similar to "qweQW^EQ^WE" is also forbidden. If you are caught breaking this then your account will be banned.
- 1st = 7 days ban
- 2nd = 14 days ban;
- 3rd = 31 days ban;
- 4th = Permanent ban.



Silent Assassin
May 27th , 2013
Reaction score
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- You are now allowed to talk about bans with respect.
- You are still not allowed to discuss illegal programs (Macro / Hacks / Illegal Software)

Hey, have you seen that Jero got banned for macro usage
Yea, that's bad he shouldn't be using such programs

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Jero got banned what a noob
Yea, jajajaja qweqGweqOwe
Jero go I Love InfinityMU island
Bring mi Pizza from I Love InfinityMU

To ensure this is followed, with this liberties you now have, we've increased ban times for Flaming and insulting.
All listed above and similar stuff is conciderd Flaming or insulting deppending on the severity of the flames.

4. Respect. No Flaming/Insulting.
Try to be nice to one another. This is not a place to take out your aggression. Flaming other members is unacceptable. Using the private chat/mail/message function in our forum is subjected to this forum rule as well. No insulting in InfinityMU private chat functions. If you want to insult and fight and not get banned for it, do it on other platforms but not in InfinityMU Forum OR Game.

Every usage of offensive words or anything related to inappropriate behaviour will be given a warning. At 2 warnings your Top Spammer/Legend/VIP Tag can be removed for an unspecified amount of time, depends on how grave the situation was. We will keep an eye especially on ShoutBox, not only on general forum posts.
On Shoutbox
• Penalty for flaming / normal insults:

- 1st = 10 days ban;
- 2nd = 30 days ban;
- 3rd = Permanent ban.

• Penalty for heavy insults / racism:
- 1st = 30 days;
- 2nd = Permanent ban.

Rest of the forum
• Penalty for flaming / normal insults:

- 1st = 10 days ban;
- 2nd = 30 days ban;
- 3rd = 60 days ban;
- 4th = Permanent ban.

• Penalty for heavy insults / racism:
- 1st = 30 days;
- 2nd = 60 days;
- 3rd = Permanent ban.
Important:"Flaming the staff members will result in immediate permanent account ban", thank you.

Discussing GM's Work on Reports or Bans is still not allowed and will be banned accordingly the rule 11.

My PM is open to receive any question you might have.


iMU Admin
August 30th , 2012
Reaction score

7.SPAM - Posts like Gratz,GGWP,GG,Gongratz are considered spam and will be deleted.

This is a forum,not a chatbox,don't use it to increase post count. Use your creative mind to post a nice meaningfull sentence to the Castle Siege winners/Players who have won events/ People who have been promoted !


iMU Admin
August 30th , 2012
Reaction score

19. Leaking information from Report Section
You are not allowed to discuss or leak any content that is used or posted inside Report Section. That area is confidential and all information inside of it is also considered confidential.
If you are caught leaking information,you will be punished severely from the Staff Team.

• Penalty:
- 1st = 7 days ban
- 2nd = 31 days ban;
- 3rd = 90 days/3 months ban
- 4th = 180 days/6 months ban;
- 5th = Permanent ban from the forum.


iMU Admin
August 30th , 2012
Reaction score

From today we WILL NOT BAN for short posts in the following sections:

*Castle Siege threads
*Birthday threads
*Staff update threads

.SPAM - Posts like Gratz,GGWP,GG,Gongratz are considered spam and will be deleted. This is a forum,not a chatbox,don't use it to increase post count. Use your creative mind to post a nice meaningfull sentence to the Castle Siege winners/Players who have won events/ People who have been promoted !
Also regarding GFX Showcase threads -> Everyone can post their opinions on somebody's work. Just don't spam the hell out of it.

/Update #2 - Ban duration for SPAM is Reduced.
The following penalties will be issued:

• Penalty:
- 1st = Friendly warning (post in Notes on User's Profile);
- 2nd = Warning;
- 3rd = Warning;
- 4th = 24 hours ban;
- 5th = 3 days ban;
After 5th ban the ban time is always 3 days in forum and Permanent in ShoutBox.

REMINDER: Still be aware that spam is still not tolerated. Be reasonable and take this changes as more freedom for users,not as a SPAM FREE TICKET

Forum Administration
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Unforeseen Consequences
May 21st , 2010
Reaction score

Warning & procedures for rule 15. ShoutBox. have been changed.

*Failing in the above SB rules is falling under the penalties of the Forum Rules.

For Selling/Trading items // Recruiting members to Guilds/Alliances // Spamming Media Links // Spamming (6 Messages in a row), we have the following:
- 1st = 24 hours ban from ShoutBox;
- 2nd = 3 days ban from ShoutBox;
- 3rd = 31 days ban from ShoutBox;
- 4th = Permanent ban from ShoutBox.

*Failing in the above SB rules is falling under the penalties of the Forum Rules.

For Selling/Trading items // Recruiting members to Guilds/Alliances // Spamming Media Links // Spamming (6 Messages in a row), we have the following:
- 1st = Friendly warning via PM (+ post in Notes on User's Profile);
- 2nd = Profile Warning;
- 3rd = 24 hours ban from ShoutBox;
- 4th = 3 days ban from ShoutBox;
- 5th = 7 days ban from ShoutBox;
- 6th = 14 days ban from ShoutBox;
After 6th ban the ban time is always 14 days in ShoutBox.

Also warning & procedures for rule 4. Respect. No Flaming, Provocations & Insulting. have been changed (will now include provocations too).

On Shoutbox
• Penalty for flaming / normal insults:

- 1st = 10 days ban;
- 2nd = 30 days ban;
- 3rd = Permanent ban.

• Penalty for heavy insults / racism:
- 1st = 30 days;
- 2nd = Permanent ban.

Rest of the forum
• Penalty for flaming / normal insults:

- 1st = 10 days ban;
- 2nd = 30 days ban;
- 3rd = 60 days ban;
- 4th = Permanent ban.

• Penalty for heavy insults / racism:
- 1st = 30 days;
- 2nd = 60 days;
- 3rd = Permanent ban.
Important:"Flaming the staff members will result in immediate permanent account ban", thank you.

On Shoutbox
• Penalty for flaming / normal insults:

- 1st = 3 days ban;
- 2nd = 7 days ban;
- 3rd = 14 days ban;
- 4th = 21 days ban;
After 4th ban the ban time is always 21 days in ShoutBox.

• Penalty for heavy insults / racism:
- 1st = 30 days;
- 2nd = Permanent ban.

Rest of the forum
• Penalty for flaming / normal insults:

- 1st = 3 days ban;
- 2nd = 7 days ban;
- 3rd = 14 days ban;
- 4th = 21 days ban;
After 4th ban the ban time is always 21 days in Forum.

• Penalty for heavy insults / racism:
- 1st = 30 days;
- 2nd = 60 days;
- 3rd = Permanent ban.
Important:"Flaming the staff members will result in immediate permanent account ban", thank you.

New note has been added for clarification:
Lead Moderator reserves the right to change or remove the user's ban depending on the given situation or the severity of the case.
Thank you,
Lead Moderator Toby
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Unforeseen Consequences
May 21st , 2010
Reaction score

Rule 4 will now include internet bullying as well.

4. Respect. No Flaming, Provocations & Insulting. ->
4. Respect. No Flaming, Provocations & Insulting or bullying.

Bully cases will be thoroughly investigated by the team.


Unforeseen Consequences
May 21st , 2010
Reaction score

Warning & procedures for rule 11. Discussing illegal programs/hacks/bans. have been changed.

- 1st = 7 days ban;
- 2nd = 14 days ban;
- 3rd = 31 days ban;
- 4th = Permanent ban.

- 1st = 7 days ban;
- 2nd = 14 days ban;
- 3rd = 21 days ban;
- After 3rd always 21 days ban.


iMU Admin
August 30th , 2012
Reaction score

20. Selling/buying items and accounts for real money.

You are not allowed to sell or buy or trade your accounts & items for real money. This game is F2P and does not support personal gain.

• Penalty:
- 1st = 31 days ban
- 2nd = 3 months ban
- 3rd = 6 months ban
After the 3rd time,the ban is always 6 months ban by account.


Unforeseen Consequences
May 21st , 2010
Reaction score

Forum rule 11. Discussing illegal programs/hacks/bans. has been updated.

Ban place will depend on where you discussed the illegal stuff ShoutBox or Forum.

On ShoutBox or Forum
- 1st = 7 days ban;
- 2nd = 14 days ban;
- 3rd = 21 days ban;
- After 3rd always 21 days ban.


Unforeseen Consequences
May 21st , 2010
Reaction score

Forum rule 7. Spamming. has been updated.

ShoutBox permanent ban will no longer be issued for violating the Spamming rule after 5th time like before.

• Penalty:
- 1st = Friendly warning (post in Notes on User's Profile);
- 2nd = Warning;
- 3rd = Warning;
- 4th = 24 hours ban;
- 5th = 3 days ban;
After 5th ban the ban time is always 3 days in forum and Permanent in ShoutBox.

• Penalty:
- 1st = Friendly warning (post in Notes on User's Profile);
- 2nd = Warning;
- 3rd = Warning;
- 4th = 24 hours ban;
- 5th = 3 days ban;
After 5th ban the ban time is always 3 days in forum.


Unforeseen Consequences
May 21st , 2010
Reaction score

A brand new rule has been added.

21. Lying & Fooling the Staff Team.
Fooling or lying to any staff member is not allowed. Providing false information (such as lost items, fabricating situations / things or anything else) will lead to instant Forum Account ban.

• Penalty:
- 1st = 7 day(s) Forum Ban;
- 2nd = 14 day(s) Forum Ban;
After 2nd ban the ban time is always 14 day(s).


January 28th , 2014
Reaction score
Forum rule 15. Shoutbox. has been updated.

ShoutBox is for small talk. It falls under the forum rules and the ones below:

For Selling/Trading items // Recruiting members to Guilds/Alliances // Spamming Media Links // Spamming (6 Messages in a row), we have the following:
- 1st = Friendly warning via PM (+ post in Notes on User's Profile);
- 2nd = Profile Warning;
- 3rd = 24 hours ban from ShoutBox;
- 4th = 3 days ban from ShoutBox;
- 5th = 7 days ban from ShoutBox;
- 6th = 14 days ban from ShoutBox;
After 6th ban the ban time is always 14 days in ShoutBox.

For Selling/Trading items // Recruiting members to Guilds/Alliances // Spamming Media Links // Spamming (6 Messages in a row), we have the following:
- 1st = Friendly warning via PM (+ post in Notes on User's Profile);
- 2nd = Profile Warning;
- 3rd = 24 hours ban from ShoutBox;
- 4th = 3 days ban from ShoutBox;
- 5th = 7 days ban from ShoutBox;
- 6th = 14 days ban from ShoutBox;
After 6th ban the ban time is always 14 days in ShoutBox.

False accusations// Provocation // Flaming & Insults //Hard Insults & Racism // Staff & Server Insult, we have the following:

*False accusations
-1st Offence - Warning on Profile
-2nd Offene - 24 hours ban by account
-3rd Offence - 7 days ban by account
NOTE!: After 3rd Offence - ban time is 7 days ban ACCOUNT

-1st Offence - Warning on Profile
-2nd Offence - 3 days ban by ACCOUNT
-3rd Offence - 7 days ban by ACCOUNT
-4th Offence - 14 days ban by ACCOUNT
-5th Offence - 30 days ban by ACCOUNT
NOTE!: - Every offence after 5th Offence is always 30 days ban BY ACCOUNT

*Flaming & Insults
-1st Offence - 24 hours ban by ACCOUNT
-2nd Offence - 5 days ban by ACCOUNT
-3rd Offence - 10 days ban by ACCOUNT
-4th Offence - 30 days by ACCOUNT
-5th Offence - 90 days by ACCOUNT
NOTE!: After 5th Offence,the ban time is always 90 days ban by ACCOUNT

*Hard Insults & Racism
-1st Offence - 30 days ban by ACCOUNT
-2nd Offence - 90 days ban by ACCOUNT
-3rd Offence - 365 DAYS FORUM ACCOUNT BAN

*Staff & Server Insult - PERMANENT ACCOUNT BAN

New up to date announced procedures :


January 28th , 2014
Reaction score
Forum rule 11. Discussing illegal programs/hacks/bans. has been updated.

You will not discuss anything about illegal programs/hacks/bans. Simulating AP/AC/Macro similar to "qweQW^EQ^WE" is also forbidden. If you are caught breaking this then your account will be banned.

You will not discuss anything about illegal programs/hacks/bans. If you are caught breaking this then your account will be banned.

Simulating AP/AC/Macro similar to "qweQW^EQ^WE" is no more forbidden whole forum section.
No changes were made to the Penalty.
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