Discussion Seller's Attitude

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May 18th , 2021
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Hello everyone.
As the prefix "Seller's Attitude", I would like to talk about how does the seller act nowadays.
You are looking for some item? Go in game and post for it, 100% you will receive 10 pm saying "Offer", "Offer sir",... It's also happened here, in forum market.
I can't understand what's wrong, or what will the seller loose if they do public the price?
I even included "Pm me price" in my post but seem like it was not working.
Back to the past, i always walked away whenever i saw "Offer" from the seller. But now, i have to raise my voice since i feel uncomfortable.
Please don't use "no rule for seller" reason, it goes to nothing because there is no rule for buyer too.
Now, why do i think that seller's behaviour is wrong? Because that is not what's happening in real life. When you go to a store and buy something, the price is all public, even in online market like shopee and amazon.
So, what is your opinion? Please drop your comment to discuss about it.
Thanks everyone for reading.

P/S: There are few seller in Lorencia, open their store with price on the store's name.
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There is nothing wrong saying "give me your offer" or pm price because they just want the "buyer" to reach what they can offer to the seller.
but the problem here is the exact price of the items. mostly "seller" don't say the actual price unless if the buyer really wanted to buy that items he can make good offer than the actual price. and also most of the seller's now want higher offer rather than saying the actual price of the items.
and also most of the seller's now want higher offer rather than saying the actual price of the items.
So that's what seller care about right. I wonder why don't they go straight on the price instead of saying "offer"? it's just the price you give buyer, not the price both of you deal for trading.
For example you are selling an item, with actual price is between 20 - 25 rows. You can tell him price is 30 rows or higher.

There is nothing wrong saying "give me your offer" or pm price because they just want the "buyer" to reach what they can offer to the seller.
ofc there is nothing wrong with that, but i'm buying item and you are selling item. We are not playing "Guess the Price" game
So that's what seller care about right. I wonder why don't they go straight on the price instead of saying "offer"? it's just the price you give buyer, not the price both of you deal for trading.
For example you are selling an item, with actual price is between 20 - 25 rows. You can tell him price is 30 rows or higher.

ofc there is nothing wrong with that, but i'm buying item and you are selling item. We are not playing "Guess the Price" game

Some players depends on the offer if they agree they will agree if not they not. and some players too they put the actual price on it. and also I want to point also since you open this topic i dont know if some players encounter when they buy items -- some of the seller sell items high price but when they buy items even you place the actual price they will say "lower price" and I just dont get it. :)
There is nothing wrong saying "give me your offer" or pm price because they just want the "buyer" to reach what they can offer to the seller.
but the problem here is the exact price of the items. mostly "seller" don't say the actual price unless if the buyer really wanted to buy that items he can make good offer than the actual price. and also most of the seller's now want higher offer rather than saying the actual price of the items.

Totally agree with this. 😕

Well in my case, If the SELLER gives an overprice for a specific item. I would quickly say that I'm "pass" or "thanks".
Why? Simple. I prefer to keep quiet and respect their decision. rather than arguing with them about the actual prices on the market.
Same with the BUYER, I don't react if he gave a low offer because that's all he got.

In the end, we don't have a solid basis to where we compare the in-game market prices.

(My opinion only)
when they buy items even you place the actual price they will say "lower price" and I just dont get it
To reach that part you have to pass the "Offer" part, i will call it as "price part". As i said, why don't the seller move straight on the "price part"?
My topic here is not lower or higher price, you can't deny / reject the trade, or negotiate with your partner about price if one of you don't agree with it.
Hello everyone.
As the prefix "Seller's Attitude", I would like to talk about how does the seller act nowadays.
You are looking for some item? Go in game and post for it, 100% you will receive 10 pm saying "Offer", "Offer sir",... It's also happened here, in forum market.
I can't understand what's wrong, or what will the seller loose if they do public the price?
I even included "Pm me price" in my post but seem like it was not working.
Back to the past, i always walked away whenever i saw "Offer" from the seller. But now, i have to raise my voice since i feel uncomfortable.
Please don't use "no rule for seller" reason, it goes to nothing because there is no rule for buyer too.
Now, why do i think that seller's behaviour is wrong? Because that is not what's happening in real life. When you go to a store and buy something, the price is all public, even in online market like shopee and amazon.
So, what is your opinion? Please drop your comment to discuss about it.
Thanks everyone for reading.

P/S: There are few seller in Lorencia, open their store with price on the store's name.

I agree with you @Miyeon. Seller shall always include the price of their items. That way we will have a fair price in market. Its easy to know if we can afford the item. Newbies will also benefit from this, as they will know the price at early stage of the game. They won't be fooled by those who are selling OP.
Plus, i always gave lower price before whenever i saw "Offer", why? Because we all know seller wanna sell with the highest price that it can be, so i gave them lower price and they can increase it later.
So in summary, i think if seller gives buyer "Offer", there will be 2 cases happen.
Case 1: Buyer walks away (like me now).
Case 2: Buyer offer lower price.
Hi @Miyeon

I don't find it offensive the offer. Tbh I find it useful. I mean sometimes you sell something and you don't know what you want in return.

Let's say that I have a pair kantata that I am not using it and I don't know what i want in return but I know that I don't want rows.

Also, with the "offer" I may upsell my item and it is a good line to open the convo for negotiations.

In addition, I might just want to check the price before I buy something.

So let's say that I want to buy a pair Kantata and a seller is telling me 50rows and I have no idea what the price is, I might post S>Kantata = offer just to check the offers and determine the price :D

Another real case scenario is that I will sell the a pair Kantata row, so I am using the offer to do it as an auction

Hi @Dser thanks for your opinion.

I'd like to say something about this.
Let's say that I have a pair kantata that I am not using it and I don't know what i want in return but I know that I don't want rows.

Also, with the "offer" I may upsell my item and it is a good line to open the convo for negotiations.

In addition, I might just want to check the price before I buy something.

So let's say that I want to buy a pair Kantata and a seller is telling me 50rows and I have no idea what the price is, I might post S>Kantata = offer just to check the offers and determine the price :D
First, We have specific section for price check https://forum.infinitymu.net/forums/price-check.374/
Second, Also if you don't know the price of an item, you can do "price check" in game via /post. it will be nonsense if you wanna check price of pair kantata and you post S> Kantata = offer, Because:
I assume that actual price of pair kantata are 50 rows like you said. You post for buying pair kantata and a seller offer you 50 rows. Then you do price check by posting S> kantata = offer. What will you reply / explain if someone wanna buy your pair kantata (which you DON'T HAVE) with 55 rows or 60 rows?
In summary, you can do price check in simple way like /post price check for "Item" instead of /post S> "Item" = Offer

Another real case scenario is that I will sell the a pair Kantata row, so I am using the offer to do it as an auction
Even an auction does have its starting price, doesn't it? ;)
Its not a big of a deal anyways. MU is a game where you find your goods through bargaining. Thats why most of the players use "Offer" to know how much are you willing to buy that good or to sell it. Most of them, especially the one whos an expert in selling/buying goods wants a good profit. Cant blame them for using "offer" :)

And also, price checking the items differ from each other. It depends on who you ask and how urgent you need it.
And also, price checking the items differ from each other. It depends on who you ask and how urgent you need it.
as i said above, you should use "price check" for price check purpose, not "Offer".

Cant blame them for using "offer" :)
Can't understand why do they use it.

Most of them, especially the one whos an expert in selling/buying goods wants a good profit.
everyone wants a best profit as possible :) both buyer and seller

Thats why most of the players use "Offer" to know how much are you willing to buy that good or to sell it.
Read here please.
Plus, i always gave lower price before whenever i saw "Offer", why? Because we all know seller wanna sell with the highest price that it can be, so i gave them lower price and they can increase it later.
So in summary, i think if seller gives buyer "Offer", there will be 2 cases happen.
Case 1: Buyer walks away (like me now).
Case 2: Buyer offer lower price.

I think the problem here is, everyone think that they will be in disadvantage situation if they give the number price first.

p/s: if most of seller use "Offer" to know how much is the buyer willing to pay (actually for starting price purpose), i suggest every buyer reply 1 row, since your purpose is buying with cheapest price.
May I butt-in ?

This won't be a real problem for those of most of you who are veterans/old player since you have an idea on how the market plays, and with it the ACTUAL prices of items. You can haggle quite effectively -- as opposed to the noobs like me who are new to the server and are simply clueless to the actual item prices. (The PRICE CHECK thread isn't always reliable -- times you wont get any reply -- 😅 ).

So for me, "Offer" is never a good thing -- i got ignored more often than not ( still better than getting insults ), presumably i gave a "low" offer -- or I said something to the tune of Miyeon -- you are the seller, so you should put a price on your item 😅 and not let me be a fortune teller or a mind reader --

what i did was to post that I was buying an item and offer an amount/item in exchange -- 2 minutes and i got my item ;).

then again, if you are new to the market and clueless, an unpretentious "OFFER" reply seems quite fair -- just do some research on the highs and lows of the item's price.

Hello @Miyeon, and everyone

I want to share my opinion..

Some Seller player put /post for "Offer" because they are open to what the Buyer they can offer..

Some Seller player put /post for "PM me" because they are open for negotiate to the Buyer for what items they can to make exchange..

And other players said "VGO"

And other Seller are not following the price check because they want to make their items grow (in "real life" they want make money increase)..

Or otherwise they dont know the about the "price check"

So we can't control it even though we have official pricing check..

It's like a win or lose or take it or leave it..

That's my opinion.
I am one of those who do not say a price because I really do not put a price on anything if I like what the buyer offers me I will sell it if not I will wait to see what other offers there are

For example, if I sell 25VD and I put offer, it is to see the offers and the one I like, hold on, for example, someone can offer me 400row and another tier2 draco set and 100row I will grab the one from tier2 because it is the one I like

When I want to sell something for an exact price I put it
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Hello @Miyeon, and everyone

I want to share my opinion..

Some Seller player put /post for "Offer" because they are open to what the Buyer they can offer..

Some Seller player put /post for "PM me" because they are open for negotiate to the Buyer for what items they can to make exchange..

And other players said "VGO"

And other Seller are not following the price check because they want to make their items grow (in "real life" they want make money increase)..

Or otherwise they dont know the about the "price check"

So we can't control it even though we have official pricing check..

It's like a win or lose or take it or leave it..

That's my opinion.
That's why i think seller should public the price (the price they want, not the actual price of item, and ofc it's higher than "actual price"). I believe do it will save time for both.
For example, you wanna sell 1 uber pair kantata, and your target is 50 rows.

you post S> Pair kantata = Offer
buyer: 40 rows.
you: add please.
buyer: 42 rows.
you: sorry sir too low.
buyer: 45 rows.
you: no ty
buyer: then how much?
you: 55 rows
buyer: 50 is my last offer
you: deal.

That's how market works right now, "Guess the price".
What i suggest is, It should like a negotiations between about seller and buyer. Back to the case above, seller should post S> pair kantata = 55 rows (or higher depend on what they really want).
Also, public the price will give seller an advantage, that buyer can't offer lower than that price.
When someone tells me "let's talk in pm about the price" ... Im dead running afk or offline..or slingshoot myself into a wall...
Dude...if u sell something tell the price of the thing you selling. From there negotiating should start if anything..
If you dont tell the price and do as Buddyf said.. Then say " best offer wins " ... Ez.
When someone tells me "let's talk in pm about the price" ... Im dead running afk or offline..or slingshoot myself into a wall...

Dem. . . my imagination runs wild in this phrase . . . 😂 . . . do you hear a - splaatt ! - ?
That's why i think seller should public the price (the price they want, not the actual price of item, and ofc it's higher than "actual price"). I believe do it will save time for both.
For example, you wanna sell 1 uber pair kantata, and your target is 50 rows.

you post S> Pair kantata = Offer
buyer: 40 rows.
you: add please.
buyer: 42 rows.
you: sorry sir too low.
buyer: 45 rows.
you: no ty
buyer: then how much?
you: 55 rows
buyer: 50 is my last offer
you: deal.

That's how market works right now, "Guess the price".
What i suggest is, It should like a negotiations between about seller and buyer. Back to the case above, seller should post S> pair kantata = 55 rows (or higher depend on what they really want).
Also, public the price will give seller an advantage, that buyer can't offer lower than that price.

I see your point Ms. @Miyeon
Like I said, we can't control it with their command /post S> ="Offer" "Pm me" "VGO"

Unless, Staff team put a "rules" about that, which is "maybe" is good or not good for seller / buyer. Correct me if Im wrong.

What i suggest is, It should like a negotiations between about seller and buyer. Back to the case above, seller should post S> pair kantata = 55 rows (or higher depend on what they really want).

Look! there's a reason why other seller don't put their price items via /post

example conversation via /post "not whispering or public convo"

you : /post S> Pair kantata = 60 rows
player : /post > Overprice Dude!
you : /post > idc, that's my price i want it!
player : > no one interesting to buy that, its overprice

so, other player won't be interested to buy it because they have idea coz its "Overprice"
that's the reason why other seller put "offer" "VGO" or "Pm me"

it's like "Marketing strategy"
Deal or no deal..

Just opinion guys ! Peace✌

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