[Monthly InfinityMU Idol] Suggestion!

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Legends Never Die!!
January 10th , 2010
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Hello Ladies and Gentlemen.

I am here to suggest about system of Monthly InfinityMU Idol Event. Its system is not perfect and annoying as well.

I mean, it is not good and unfair to have Girls and Boys both together in 1 Idol event. It's mostly unfair for boys, but it is not the real point. In real life, there's Top Model Boys and Girls. They are not together in 1 Event. There's 2 Event, one for boys and the other one for girls. I would like to see the same system in our Infinity World. It is modern mu online with modern systems. Why one of our favourite event must have an annoying system?

Let have 2 Monthly InfinityMU Idol event at the same time. One "Monthly InfinityMU Idol - Girls", the other one "Month InfinityMU Idol - Boys". It will bring much more effort for each gender to win. Atm, Boys not adding much effort, because almost all of them knows that, no matter what, winner will be a Girl :-) 95% of players are Boys, of course they will Vote for a girl instead of voting for Boy :-) If this event would be accepted, specially girls will add more efforts for to be looking beautiful to be an idol and to have a victory against their girl opponents :-)

If we think deeply, it is really funny to have 2 gender in a same Idol Event :-) I would like to see Community's opinion about it.
Boys not adding much effort, because almost all of them knows that, no matter what, winner will be a Girl :-) 95% of players are Boys, of course they will Vote for a girl instead of voting for Boy

"Boys not adding much effort" that's their problem.. If they really want to win then they will do all they can to win. I am giving every time fair vote who really deserve to win, not because of girl picture.
Just check this thread http://forum.infinitymu.net/showthread.php?70086-Infinity-Idols-2013-Present and don't tell me that girls win all the time. I disagree to your suggestion.
"Boys not adding much effort" that's their problem.. If they really want to win then they will do all they can to win. I am giving every time fair vote who really deserve to win, not because of girl picture.
Just check this thread http://forum.infinitymu.net/showthread.php?70086-Infinity-Idols-2013-Present and don't tell me that girls win all the time. I disagree to your suggestion.
Ma boy, da fact is, this event must not go like this. Why boys and girls are in the same event? What's the point. There's no point. But having 2 different IDOL event for 2 gender have enough more points than the current system. You are showing me 1 thread, but maybe I can show you many thread about girls victory on boys :-)

OMG, Please, next guy, don`t attack to my words, but thinks deeply about the system. It is old and funny. Hope next player will not say that there's 98% Boys, not 95% :-)

I respect your opinion Raulito, but I didn`t get what I wanted. Disagreement is nothing, but must have proper reason for this, instead of having small reasons. You must write why you disagree. Whats the problem with this system? I want to have answer for these questions if anyone disagree.


You are voting fair, but maybe others not? Example,
You are a boy raulito. And in event there's one very sexy, hottest girl and 1 handsome gentleman boy. I am 9999999999999% sure, you will vote for Girl :-)
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What you suggesting is exactly same like Mr & Ms Infinity. Girls dont win every event and if somebody wants to win he/she have to put much effort. Your suggestion is useless and if im not wrong it was suggested before
There are many boyz who won the Infinity Idol. Becasue they dont make a registration what would win our likes its their fault, should be more creative. ChillOut, PrimeBlade, Lisieux, sarmayee were the last 7 Months boy Winners, the ballance is perfect. So then i think no need to make 2 Infinity Idol for each gender.
There are alot of other Monthly Big Events also where boyz and girls can participate.

For me, there's nothing wrong with the suggestion. It's just that, if this will be implemented, it will only mean that:

1.) There is gender inequality in the society. Most especially, in the voting panel which is the Staff Team.
2.) There is favoritism. It will only mean that our Staff Team members do not have the substance and the quality to effectively judge entries.
3.) The criteria for judging is being ignored/taken for granted by the staff team members.

The system relies so much on our staff team. Thus, if there is a flaw in it, it's simply logical to think that there is something wrong with the voters, right? What I'm trying to say is, whether or not I am Ms. Universe, if I didn't exert enough effort in my entry, they will not vote for me.


- Please consider the number of the female participants. It would be tiring to compete with the same faces all over again.
- It is not our problem if the boys are not motivated enough to put effort in their entries.
- We don't win all the time. At times that we obtain victory, it is not because we're girls and we're pretty but because effort is always present in our entry.
- I believe that our current staff team members are more than capable.

Honestly, this suggestion saddened me. Why do boys always want to separate us from them? Because they think they're better? Or is it because being defeated by a girl is humiliating? Perhaps, you really do not look upon us equally.

I am 9999999999999% sure, you will vote for Girl :-)

OMG. So I got this Hardcore tag only because I'm a b!tch?

:43: :43: :43:
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If this is what will happen to the Infinity Idol it should be for all forum event, because almost all forum event need voting to win so if a good event with good prize will be hosted it's 90% sure girl winner,, but to be honest with you guy it's how many friends you make in game and how many friends can you invite to join the game the more friends you have the bigger chance to win an event that requires voting.. this is just me not sure about the others

For me, there's nothing wrong with the suggestion. It's just that, if this will be implemented, it will only mean that:

1.) There is gender inequality in the society. Most especially, in the voting panel which is the Staff Team.
2.) There is favoritism. It will only mean that our Staff Team members do not have the substance and the quality to effectively judge entries.
3.) The criteria for judging is being ignored/taken for granted by the staff team members.

The system relies so much on our staff team. Thus, if there is a flaw in it, it's simply logical to think that there is something wrong with the voters, right? What I'm trying to say is, whether or not I am Ms. Universe, if I didn't exert enough effort in my entry, they will not vote for me.


- Please consider the number of the female participants. It would be tiring to compete with the same faces all over again.
- It is not our problem if the boys are not motivated enough to put effort in their entries.
- We don't win all the time. At times that we obtain victory, it is not because we're girls and we're pretty but because effort is always present in our entry.
- I believe that our current staff team members are more than capable.

Honestly, this suggestion saddened me. Why do boys always want to separate us from them? Because they think they're better? Or is it because being defeated by a girl is humiliating? Perhaps, you really do not look upon us equally.

OMG. So I got this Hardcore tag only because I'm a b!tch?

:43: :43: :43:

Don't jump and jump into conclusions. No, you did not won that tag because you're a b*tch but because you deserved having one. You did win a lot of events so do not jump into conclusions. I don't blame you either for being sensitive.

No, I think the main thing about this one is Abesta is trying to imitate the separate division in this world (ex. Mr. Universe and Ms. Universe, Ms. World and Mr. World) because each gender has qualities that the opposite gender may or may not have and it will result into a dominant trait that can overpower the other gender thus the division from women to men was born, I think.

Yes, players of InfinityMU has more male players than female ones. So I do agree that it should not be separated since there are lots of reason why it should not be separated (easy SMOKs and low female entries). Well, if female entries will increase, I think it is only fair that there should be another division (Infinity Idol Female Division). Then again, as stated by our fellow forum-er, it would be just like Mr. and Ms. Infinity. But we can work that out, right?

Some of us exert effort. Like me, I always exert effort. Really. Believe me. It just doesn't look like I did not exert any. I'm sorry :P

What we should really pay attention is the voting criteria. Sometimes it is being followed. Sometimes not. But hey, I'm not saying this because I did not won or anything similar or the staff is flawed. I joined solely for fun and earning SMOK is not that hard, right? Well, for some, yes.

I think that is not favoritism. Like I said, both genders has advantages over the opposite s*x so that is why it looked like they voted wrongly. So in the end, it is just another battle of the fittest.

Please do not take this comment the wrong way as I am just trying to clear up some things :)
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Sir Abesta made his point, let's not expand the idea of his suggestion and lets just dwell on the issue objectively, he is only pertaining to the competition itself and not on other events. I do agree with others that if it will be implemented it would just appear to be identical to Mr & Ms. Infinity, however, that event is only held every year where in Infinity Idol is held every month, for the very reason that the Mr & Ms. Infinity event is judge and had separate male and female winners then why would Infinity Idol which had the same concept will only have one winner? Does it make sense after all?

@B e r n's response(Do not take this as an offense):

There is no gender inequality that sir Abesta mentioned nor a statement leading to it, I do believe he is trying to say that, boys will be boys, I agree, that is scientific, it is a human nature, mentioned in every Psychiatric class, in every Man's DNA. It's like all men loves women, every man wants S** that is how it works since Day 6, the very reason why Eve was created for Adam because man wants women. The point is 90% of members are men and everything follows.

B e r n said:
3.) The criteria for judging is being ignored/taken for granted by the staff team members.
Draco™ said:
Could be and might affect their judgment as I mentioned above, But of course not all voters would think the same, some are objective enough.

We boys do not want to separate from you guys in fact we like you to be closer to us, Sir Abesta's suggestion is to separate the event which I think is logical, how would you like to go in a large public bathroom where men and women will share? I strongly believe you would not say that separating boy's and girl's bathroom would be a gender inequality. Men and Women have the same abilities, however it is scientific that we have different characteristics where in you guys have B**** and we have D**** and men love B*****.

Also I would like to commend Zyra's entry, actually not her entry but her looks and everything, probably the most beautiful filipina here at our community and she does it effortlessly. Pretty, cute and Hot are characteristics that are not usually seen on a women. Lovely :) LOL. uhmm..
Real Talk:

- This suggestion sir Abesta will never or will have to pass through a needle to be approved due to the reason that SMOKs will be given twice a month aside from other events.

- I believe sir Abesta did not mentioned that B e r n was a I Love InfinityMU, unless she thinks otherwise. I do believe you are a hardcore due to your efforts but of course with an advantage as I mentioned above.
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You won't understand what I'm trying to say unless you become a girl. You're still bitter about everything.
Nonetheless, even if my opinion contradicts yours, you should as well RESPECT it. It's what I feel and I'm expressing it. Anything wrong with that?

PrimeBlade said:
There is no gender inequality that sir Abesta mentioned nor a statement leading to it.

I do believe you are a hardcore due to your efforts but of course with an advantage as I mentioned above.

Are you sure? At least I'm not begging for votes.

PrimeBlade said:
How would you like to go in a large public bathroom where men and women will share? I strongly believe you would not say that separating boy's and girl's bathroom would be a gender inequality.

That's a very lame example. Doesn't make any sense at all. I hope you know the difference between gender inequality and gender classification.


Two words.
Move on.
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In my opinion, girls/boys, it really doesn't matter what the gender of the contestant. If you can refer to American Idol, they don't actually chose their contestant whether its a boy or girl right, but it is how they represent themselves to the people. On that event they actually vote on the most beautiful voice. Thats why we have criteria right? Gender doesn't really matter, as long as you have efforts, I mean it is a competition so you have to do your best. As a matter of fact on that event they specify this:


♦ Outfit
♦ Background
♦ Looks
♦ Efforts
♦ Be creative!

And in this event if the representative is a female then you have to consider it. That's why its called Infinity Idol.
Please, no fights and arguments here. For me, it really doesn`t make any help to have 1 or 2 InfinityMU Idol event. Since I have never participated to his event. I just said my opinion and opened it for to see community's opinion. So please everybody, respect to each other and say what you think. But please as I mentioned, everyone must write his/hers reason, why he/she agrees or disagrees.

Abesta said:
I am 9999999999999% sure, you will vote for Girl :-)
B e r n said:
OMG. So I got this Hardcore tag only because I'm a b!tch?

B e r n, If you look carefully you will see that, it was an Example. It was just random example and didn`t addressed to anyone.
Please, no fights and arguments here. For me, it really doesn`t make any help to have 1 or 2 InfinityMU Idol event. Since I have never participated to his event. I just said my opinion and opened it for to see community's opinion. So please everybody, respect to each other and say what you think. But please as I mentioned, everyone must write his/hers reason, why he/she agrees or disagrees.


B e r n, If you look carefully you will see that, it was an Example. It was just random example and didn`t addressed to anyone.

Sorry, Sir. I got so sensitive.

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After a discussion with my mates we decided dat we will not proceed with this suggestion. Reasons are in posts above.
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