Ring of Unlimited Potions?
Makes sense but what's the purpose for having unlimited pot speed? If we put 100k for BK hp then would make sense. Still players far away from the server would suffer. Right now they should be enjoying just an fair game.
There is no one enjoying right now and your Server Status Declining from day to day."UNLIMIED"-im talking about previous Pot Rate System,well Abussers will still abuse their lags,but fair players which is Fair Pros,will stay at their point like as an always.Abuser can still easily kill 8 potters,but it will be gona much more harder to kill 12 pot rate user (for sure if 12 pot rate user have an idea how to play).Set Damage options also too high,also it will balance with each other.
I know real Pro's,which was not impossible to win them even with Lag abusing.But now with the balanced Pot Rate,they have no chance to play fair.At least with the high Pot Rate,they can fapping around.
To tell the truth,im not interested an PVP System,all i want to share my oppinion.
Its just enough.Everyone getting Island for a Hack Usage,but most of them just abused their lags.
Its ILLEGAL but you let them to use it like an LEGAL.
More than 1 year it known around,but still today theres no one solution or offer given for it.Nonsense Threads,Discussion,Talks,Oppinions.
/King Regards.