Hi Infinitians!
You better watch out! You better not cry! Better not pout I'm telling you why! Santa Claus is coming to town! He's making a list and checking it twice. Gonna find out who's naughty and nice! Santa Claus is coming to town! Ho! Ho! Ho!
Starting this month until the end of Christmas! I'm here to give away early presents! Every week I'll be hosting an Event that most of the people likes, Massive PK Event! I hope you guys will like it and Advance Merry Christmas to all!
Event will be on:
- December 7, 2013 - Done
- December 14, 2013 - Done
- December 22, 2013 - Done
- Server 3, Devias Arena.
- 08:00 pm (GMT+8) *4 hours before Castle Siege*
If you don't know what's the exact time the event will start in your country
go to http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/gmt-converter/
Put 20:00 (08:00pm) on " When it is ", In: GMT+8 then your GMT on " What time will it be in ".
How to win?
- Wipe out everyone! Last man standing wins!
Everyone can join! *MG/SM/DL/ELF/BM*
- Gold Pet/Red Pet/Black Pet/Blue Pet/Imp/Horse/Guardian Angel/Alcohol is allowed
- Shield is allowed
Not Allowed:
- Using of shield skill
- Using of summoning skill
- Duel/war
- Running
*Players that will be caught not following the rules will be automatically disqualified and can't join the event anymore*
- December 7, 2013
- 1 Sacred Mace Of King!
- December 14, 2013
- 1 Sacred Mace Of King!
- December 21, 2013
- 1 Uber Set of your choice!
A big thanks to Cranzy for making this awesome logo.DGK said:After the Massive PK Event I'll be hosting a Store Event as my consolation prize for all of you guys! I'll be giving full store accessories of wind every week.
If you have any question or suggestion please post it here.
InfinityMU Staff Team,
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