Hello there ladies, gentlemen and unknown entities ...
Damn last time I had to write one of this was in 2012 ( maybe ) when I joined the 100x staff
Oke on the fun part
Name : Veselin Marinov - you can call me Veso or by my in-game nicks such as DOSS or Draft ... or by my real life nick ( bear )
Age : no one of you cares, but I was drop on this planet in the late 1991
Staff position that I used to hold :
100x : Head Game Master and Lead Moderator
99999x : Senior Game Master ( back then we did not had HGM only 3 dumb SGMs ... well two dumb and one dumber. Try to guess which one was I ... )
Former sister server which name show not be spoken : Lead Moderator
As far of languages goes ... bulgarian, english, russian, serbian and few other
Back in the days I was known for two things
- joking with everything and everyone ... heck I even banned resis once ^^
- creating or upgrading events ... even till this day some of my events are still kicking and you are enjoying them ( you are welcome )
About activity ... well I will be online when I can and I wont be online when I can not be it is simple as that.
You can find me eventually on discord DOSS #9885 ... but dont get your hopes up cuz resis reads his PMs more often then me if you know what I mean ^^
Some of you may ask why did I decide to return in the staff after so many years ... well one of the oldest friends of mine in this game asked me. You may know him - after all he is the super duper lead wanker Toby
And for the final nail in me so lovely application a photo of my sexy but crack ... click it I dare you
Damn last time I had to write one of this was in 2012 ( maybe ) when I joined the 100x staff
Oke on the fun part
Name : Veselin Marinov - you can call me Veso or by my in-game nicks such as DOSS or Draft ... or by my real life nick ( bear )
Age : no one of you cares, but I was drop on this planet in the late 1991
Staff position that I used to hold :
100x : Head Game Master and Lead Moderator
99999x : Senior Game Master ( back then we did not had HGM only 3 dumb SGMs ... well two dumb and one dumber. Try to guess which one was I ... )
Former sister server which name show not be spoken : Lead Moderator
As far of languages goes ... bulgarian, english, russian, serbian and few other
Back in the days I was known for two things
- joking with everything and everyone ... heck I even banned resis once ^^
- creating or upgrading events ... even till this day some of my events are still kicking and you are enjoying them ( you are welcome )
About activity ... well I will be online when I can and I wont be online when I can not be it is simple as that.
You can find me eventually on discord DOSS #9885 ... but dont get your hopes up cuz resis reads his PMs more often then me if you know what I mean ^^
Some of you may ask why did I decide to return in the staff after so many years ... well one of the oldest friends of mine in this game asked me. You may know him - after all he is the super duper lead wanker Toby
And for the final nail in me so lovely application a photo of my sexy but crack ... click it I dare you