Discussion Durability Issue

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January 26th , 2010
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Las Islas Filipinas
Hi. I noticed that almost all sellers want a uber ACC with 117/102 durability, but how about the others that doesn't have that 117/102 durability on ACC, the Uber ACC 102/102 will become useless? And other Uber ACC with durability lesser than 117 will be useless. Because of that Durability crap. -.- Coz almost all of them want a FRESH uber acc.
but, what's ur suggestion?
Maybe admin or staffs must inform all Infinitian that Uber Acc 117/102 and other U acc with low durability is the same only. That durability is not a big deal -.-
Maybe admin or staffs must inform all Infinitian that Uber Acc 117/102 and other U acc with low durability is the same only. That durability is not a big deal -.-

oh i feel you bro, but as you know we're not robots x.x and to be honest isn't hard to deal this issues in game, coz this is typical... sellers, buyers, aren't afraid to get an useless item, is because the game are infected with this "bug" or "problem", but, but... this info ain't from the staff, a fake rumor, that's all.

psdt: those items, even with low dura it's the same, to be honest i can't see any difference on it.
I think Jes is right durability is not a big deal. And correct me if i'm wrong, Acc are not that fragile compare to armor and sword or staff whether its EX ACC or UBER ACC. It's the same 117/102 and 102/102..
I belive sir that this topic has already been taken up, as I can recall, Durability of every item, even those exceeding items are not bug, and perfectly works, the market however demands, well, most of them to acquire the 117/102 durability for in their thinking those items are fresh and had never been touch or damaged similar with the pink option item where they want items without pink for buyers of the item to have a choice to put or not to put pink options to the item that they bought in the market :D
Well there's nothing any diff at all on the durability its the same what you het on newly donated one or the one with lower dura . Well they made those issue for marketing purposes thats why we cant control them at all its our market decision :D

Marketers want a perfect durability like 117/102 to show it's fresh from donation and sell it for higher price, The only advice I can give is don't get fool by the Marketers cause durability is not very important even if it's 1/102 you can repair it to become 102/102. And for those who are new here and being curious about the durability of Uber Acc is 117/102 is because 117/102 means it is FRESH from donate.

Thanks !
The main point here is, what will happened to those ACC that has a low durability? They will get stock in the vault coz no seller wants a U ACC that has a low durability. I know the server is now in good condition coz many player donates fresh uber acc. But how about the market in game? Tss.
A probably better solution for this would be:

Reduce the durability of uber acc bought from donation and all uber acc in game. Make it default as 102/102 instead of 117/102.
This would make the price of uber accw to be the same with 117 dura, but then people who bought or currently have 117 dura acc won't be satisfied because they bought it with higher price / wanna sell it for higher price.
As I remember this not our issue last year.. It's just came up today. Sellers today are just so meticulous on what they gonna do to sell their items on a high price. Other say that it's a way to identify duplicate items to not and other is telling that you will have more chance on having a good dmg to you're opponent.. I hate this kind of people because of them. Now the market has a heavy eyes on 117/102 Durability of Ubers while Acc fo 255/97. I don't know what to do them it's just they don't really know what to do. For your information. This what it say.


the ability to withstand wear, pressure, or damage

So how it became you invulnerable on dmg? I really don't know how. Well suggestion is have a world announcement to this so other player know what to do. But it's really hard to do them since it's their choice to this one.
This issue is almost same as pink options being cheaper than those items who has, but in fact, it gives the wearer plus good options. Same as durability, it will and always gives what it offers to the wearer. There are those marketers who still believes the higher the durability, the better the option it gives but in reality it will and always gives the same even with low durability. It's hard to control the economy in game and it ain't easy to do something about it, in my point of view. Durability is for the freshness of the item and nothing else.
I was wondering why you're selling those acc if they got a low dura? maybe you must keep them or maybe you can deal for another price. it's just a treatment or hability :)
i Remember the past when Titan is HGM he told to players in game durability is not a big deal.. but marketers never stop buying/selling 117/102. i think even Admin/GM can't control players most specially marketer's doing this thing, we can't control them on selling their items and how they buy items they wanted to have.
Follow the flow of markets i think this should be the best thing to do.. :)
For me i suggest :))
if About in Martket?

low Dura its Cheap Price

117 Dura Got xpensive price

Thats The Rules Of Seller & Buyer xD
I suggest that make the durability of items to its supposedly durability. Like uber accessories, 102 is the original durability. Why not make it all 102/102 even if it is fresh bought from webshop? For example, when you buy an item in web shop, for example set armor, its durability is 255/150 or something like that. Why not make it 150/150? Just my opinion. :)
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