Player Hosted Event [Event]Castle Seige Article!

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Support InfinityMU !!
May 1st , 2014
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Yo Infinitians,Whats up?I Decided to make new kind of event,it's like DimERs but a littly different

So rules are simple:You have to write a little article (10 sentence max)
about Castle Seige.
No Copy from other players
No Double post
Any one can join,who wants

Prize will be Scale set F.O.
you have time until this castle seige.Go Go Go!!!

Good Luck
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There is only one Castle on Valhalla in the Valley of Loren and sometimes in the other server is called Deep Loren. A battle aimed at winning a castle is called a Castle Siege. Castle Siege is happening every week. There are no restrictions for entering it all characters can join and no restriction about levels this kind of event. No using Pets/Gold Pets except for Elf's. And all participating guild must have 20 at least Guild Members. And Last there can only be three attacking guilds during the event. Castle Siege is clash of guild where in you will be fighting for a crown, There are 2 Siege Players in Castle Siege the Invading Team/Attackers and Defending Team/Defenders. The invading team will have a sword icon and the defending team will have a shield on top of their character. The guild master will have a crown icon instead of sword or shield. (A blue crown for the defending team and a red one for invading team). Neutral character can attack while pressing [CTRL]. :haha:

Hope you like it :)
The Castle Siege,the event of the kings,the event of the guilds,in this barren wasteland of the continent of MU,in the valley,where blood and steel clashed together,lies a castle so magnificent,only few have been able to enter behind the great walls,where only one ally of guilds commands,where only one commander shouts out the orders.In this valley,on one day,allies clash together in a war between them,a war for supremacy,the question of who is the best,will be answered on that day;everyone is preparing for a battle like this,where the ally masters are fighting for the right to put the seal on the crown,the crown that will make them kings for a time,when a king is needed.The castle itself is a magnificent sculpture of hard stone and metal,filled with the holy spirits that protect it.Inside the walls are placed several statues that prevent the attacking guilds from entering inside.They must be broken in order to enter,but beware players,these are no ordinary statues,they are strong as the fines of diamonds and cannot break with shear force,they can be tamed by the combined power of the masters that wield both blades,staffs and scepters.Do not think that everyone will survive,all strive for power and glory,and only the strongest of all will receive power and glory,because a hidden land awaits the victors,the land of trials,it's name speaks for itself - land filled with great treasures and items,but going in there is a risk,a risk only the fiercest of fighters can take.Are you prepared for the fight of all times? A hole week of preparation decides who will siege the castle,only the worthy will be chosen among themselves,they will hide,they will fight,they will think up strategies,but when 2 days before the siege arrive,the land is filled with life,the guilds are going for their last chance to enter the castle and there are some,who don't want them there.Who will figh,or more exactly who will win - destiny lies with one ally only.If you have what it takes,be there!
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guys remember,after cs i will say name of winner,if u want to participate be in hurry,5-6 hours left until event finishes! Good Luck!
Okey Guys,i see noone want to join more,so participants are DimER and Cosme! i checked both,Cosme had not got mistakes,but DimER made it better,so i choose DimER,Congrats u can call me ingame toget ur prize

Mods you know What to do :D
Okey Guys,i see noone want to join more,so participants are DimER and Cosme! i checked both,Cosme had not got mistakes,but DimER made it better,so i choose DimER,Congrats u can call me ingame toget ur prize

Mods you know What to do :D

Congratz DimER :)

And thanks to everyone who participate :)
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