Hegaton Set (UBER)

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May 15th , 2012
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Hello Infinitians,

I just came back in-game, I notice some of the new features of InfinityMU and how cool is it now. I also saw some of the cool sets and other new "UBER" items, I'm writing this suggestion in a simplestway.

Before I browse the Webshop on how many new set,sword was added, I was thinking this Hegaton set for the list that has been added on our webshop. But sad to say I din't find it in the list of new sets(Ubers) I don't know when did the S7 was release, but I think it's a perfect add-ons for the server.

Now what is a Hegaton set:
(For people who doesn't know it)

-Hegaton set is an ancient black/grey Dragon set. Similar to Vic and Hyon sets. But this time Hegaton is a full Dragon Set.. Which means 5 Parts. The helm,armor,gloves,pants and boots.

Why did I Suggest this:

The reasons why did I suggest this "Hegaton" set is since we have added a minimal S6-S7 sets with ubers and fo stuffs. I think Hegaton Set will be a great value for this server. Specially to those players who likes PVP. Thinking that this will bring people excitements to battle people which don't have 2 Ubers on deck. Which is Vicious Dragon Set and Hyon Dragon Set. This Hegaton have the chance on paring this two set. Since the ancient options of Hegaton set is good in PVP and since InfinityMU is well known as the Best PVP MU Server and this can bring our players a good Mu gaming experience.

-Possible benefit for this Suggestion is..

1.To make an Unique gameplay experience
2.To make more experimental gameplays.(With builds of yellow options etc)
3.Market Value
4.Top class PVP Experience.

This could aslo be a new "Limited" Prize of events ingame and here in our forum, If this suggestion will be granted. I was think that this Hegaton to be Limited and to be Rare. For us to struggle and participate all the big events here,(and small events also) Just like the old times when MOK are that super rare and only people who won an big event has it. This could be in the donation shop if Sir Resistant will let it. But again this Hegaton should be in Limited stock only. So that players can experience the hardship of this set and how lucky you are to have this set.

I don't know what else I can say in this suggestion but. Feel free to post what's on your mind and other concerns. I hope this will be granted since we made it through the S6-S7 set.

Thank for reading this and have a nice day. :)
Another story of sleepy childrens. Game is fine for now and it should stay as it is right now.
P.S: Screenshot_2016-05-01-00-57-53.jpg these options Will ruin whole game
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if you add hegaton set, the current pvp balance will be off. making bk gods and the others just their punching bags... unless they add equivalent set for the other class as well, which i doubt will happen. cuz it will ruin the "season 3" feeling this server have.

on the same note though... how about making an ancient set for flaming phoenix/great dragon set. :oye:
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Hegaton ancient options are very OP hyon and vicious ancient options combined and thats fit on season that has brave with sockets and i dont think its fit on season 3 server.
On my base, It really depends on the situation. We can nerf the damage being brought by Hegaton that can par along with hyon vic and specially nowdays that Potrate is a big impact on our server.
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As Seju already mentioned, Hegaton set can be nerfed, so it's not so OP, but still stands against other pairs of Ubers. I really like the idea of set being exclusively obtainable from really big events, and I can come up with ideas what could be the event, and it will be really complicated if I get to create the event. Series of events, to be correct. Imes collection each month would feel like child's play. Exclusive set would give so big meaning to events, so maybe, since it would be exclusive, the set should be a bit more better than Vic + Hyon. And Ubers from events are marketable via BTA, so the value of those sets, considering, that there would be just a few, would be abnormal. I support this.
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Megaton Set EVIL set... WEW if we have that set here Unbalance pvp to bored.. only donators and bk only enjoy the game other will bored..hmmm so Big NO to megaton
no for simple obvious reasons
if hegaton is released and can stand against the other pair of ubers then it would upset all the players who donated for 2 uber set seeing that a single uber set is just as good as the 2 uber set
"IF" they can edit/change the hegaton set options WHY NOT but not this month or this year. maybe next year ^_^ .
coz as of now no need to add sets or any items in webshop.
the community is getting small -_-.
as i remember way back 2012-14, s3 is always full, market area is soo crowded
but now sad to see that only few players in the market and also in arena.
-sorry for my bad English
and Off topic :)
Ok guys seems like you don't understand the main topic here, Yes I'm with you whenever you say that Hegaton is over power in PVP. I know we can "Nerf" this one and adjust the Dmg being brought by Hegaton set. Also before I posted this Suggestion I already read the previous threads about Hegaton, But that matters is when the server only have S4 Sets back then. Today our server upgraded with S7 Sets even Ubers sets are being brought to us. If this matter is bothering you having an imbalance PVP, Well in my case it's not like that. Our current options for Ubers are way more better than Hegaton Set, Thus the Hegaton Parts are just the set. While Uber Vic and Hyon have 2 options depending to your equip uber. (vic or hyon) When you equip vic and hyon you have 1 full ancient options and a 1/3 option for the other, Not included if you wear some ancient sword like MOK or Tyr Sword. While if you have and equipped Hegaton you only have 1 Main ancient option and another for your uber swords. Knowing that we can nerf this Hegaton set to be balance in our state and this set are just limited. To prevent players on just relaying on Hegaton set

If you actually monitor the PVP in arena you can see a lot of Players using Garuda,Mist and other stuff that can bring down Uber Vic and Hyon. If this Ubers can bring down Uber vic and hyon, They can bring down Hegaton Sets also that is nerfed in our part. Since we can nerf it, There's not bad thing on having it on our server.

Yes I know we have our sister server which is Insania that have Hegaton set, But this is our boundaries. S6 have Master Skills,Sockets and everything that make your character more stronger. While in this Server we only have Ancients and Potrates. Which make the server more thrilling, The reasons why people are saying that Hegaton sets are over power in the pvp state is that, They actually have their Mastery Tree which give the Hegaton set more power (depends on the build) While this time we don't have it since we are just on S3. This just my main perspective on your questions.

As Seju already mentioned, Hegaton set can be nerfed, so it's not so OP, but still stands against other pairs of Ubers. I really like the idea of set being exclusively obtainable from really big events, and I can come up with ideas what could be the event, and it will be really complicated if I get to create the event. Series of events, to be correct. Imes collection each month would feel like child's play. Exclusive set would give so big meaning to events, so maybe, since it would be exclusive, the set should be a bit more better than Vic + Hyon. And Ubers from events are marketable via BTA, so the value of those sets, considering, that there would be just a few, would be abnormal. I support this.
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Hegaton is not meant to be played in season 3 because it will simply make the PVP system unbalance due to its Over Powered Options.

Now if the lack of Set selection made you to suggest this thread don't worry because it's obvious that the administrator is working on some things like Customizing an Old ancient set options Like for example the "Mist" set which now has 20% DD and +50Str (The original mist set have only 10% DD and doesn't have additional Strength.) This Indicates that the Admin wants us to have a Wide variety of set selections in the webshop.
We just need to wait patiently and maybe suggest what existing set we have in our server you want to be customized next like for example "Eplete" :)
Megaton Set EVIL set... WEW if we have that set here Unbalance pvp to bored.. only donators and bk only enjoy the game other will bored..hmmm so Big NO to megaton

I support this idea.
for some new looks ingame? yes, but for real, dragon set is just ugly so if it is another dragon whatever color it is then it is a no for me,
Hello.. As of now, I go for a NO.. It's because it really doesnt match the PVP system and with other uber sets that we already have.. But allow me show to the Hegaton Set and it's Ancient Option..

but every one if you like hegaton for yes.. let try it ancient only . option ancient not full option +ancient. for now trials.
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