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It's time for us to choose the InfinityMU Author, May Edition!
Topic: BANNED.
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Here are the entries:
I have never been Banned anywhere over the internet nor in this server but i did banned quiet a lot of users ...
So this is what i would tell to thoseBANNED USERS:
IGN : Anais
Banned from this world,
Cast out from the community,
You're no longer welcome,
In this place once called...
...a home.
In this virtual world,
Where rules have the upper hand,
One wrong move or step,
And you're no longer participant.
All your words that are typed with hate,
All your actions that are taken too far,
Have badly consequences,
And you're left with a scar.
You will get...
No more likes,
No more shares,
No more comments,
And everything else...
As if you were never there.
All you have to do is
To learn from what you did wrong,
To reflect on what you will do,
To move forward slowly,
Yet eventually and hopefully ...
Your BAN will not last forever.
Nevertheless in this world,
There's always a way,
To find peace and forgiveness,
To make this a place to stay.
So, have no fear,
Your story's not done yet,
There's still a future for you,
Where you can still shine as new...
After being UNBANNED
When u can start allover
A new life.
Ign: Somsa
Shoot me, stab me, twist me
Swift and sure the moments run.
Soon, too soon, for you and me
Cannot come between us twain.
Do not let time cheat us then,
You may scowl, and I may nag.
Every time a moment slope
Let us include it on our days.
If we pause too long a space,
Who can tell what may take place.
Ban may come, and take wings;
Oh! a million cruel moments.
IGN: v1taL
Quench every battlefield With blood dripping down the islE.
Suffer torment and guilt with overpowering style.
Enemies Quiver in fear as my blade soar bye.
All of this for a temporary fulfillment of one's desire.
Quickness With Every slash to my foe's heart.
No wonder I'm unstoppable to someone's part.
1.. 2.. 3.. seconds go bye in a flash.
My hands grew tire and a mistake was lashed.
Enemy to everyone, I was reported as such.
A video was recorded as my blade goes to rust.
I was banned for cheating on the game I love and respect.
The reason behind it, was the capitals and numbers on my poem's regret.
In the Land of the free, where dreams are made,
There is a drakness that will never fade.
A place where the rich prey on the poor,
And the powerful shut the righteous door.
Thet build their castles on the backs of the weak,
And turn a blind eye to the suffering they wreak.
They call it progress, but it's just greed
A disease that spreads like a foul weed.
But there are those who rise against the tide,
Who refuses to let the darkness hide.
They march in the streets, with fists held high,
And demand justice, or they will die.
Their voices echo through the halls of power,
A testament to the strength of their hour.
They will not be silenced, they will not be banned,
For they fight for the rights of every woman and man.
But those in charge, they fear the change,
They see the uprising as something strange.
And so they ban the voices that they can't control,
And try to keep the darkness whole.
But the truth will not be silenced, it will not be banned,
For it is the light that shines on every land.
And though the road ahead may be long,
The fight for justice will never be gone.
IGN: Active[A]
Lets Bond, Don't Get Banned
Together we play, enjoy, and have fun
We make countless efforts, we walk and we run
Hunting monsters, here and there
What is this for? To be ban forevermore?
Frustrating isn't it to players playing fair?
Playing for fun, yet others trash talk here and there
Are you not contented playing in this fun server?
Then, why are you playing other servers, just go and talk elsewhere!
Trying hard to get full on our stats
Countless hours we spent, even our elf get bored standing in Stads
What is this for? To get ban forevermore?
Or may I say, play safe and fair, and lets bond forevermore
Congratulations to all for participating and sharing their lovely entries with InfinityMU community!
Good luck!