Special Event InfinityMU Wars #5 [Dimer's Anniversary Edition]

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Unforeseen Consequences
May 21st , 2010
Reaction score

Banner created by @Sugbo. :heart:
:infinity_logo_2: Event Description :infinity_logo_2:
  • It is a simple team-based PVP event where 2 totally opposite factions of our Infinity MU land — Brotherhood of Heroes & Slayers of Evil will face off against each other in a fierce battle!
  • Each faction shall be led into the battle by their leader towards victory! (a chosen staff member)
  • Peace will be achieved only when one of the factions remains!
  • Event is suitable for 20 or 30 players (subjected to change).

:infinity_logo_2: Event Mechanics :infinity_logo_2:
  • Announcing and gathering players;
  • Filling both factions with players in different locations a bit far from each other and the player will be randomly placed in either of the faction (via https://www.randomlists.com/team-generator);
  • All players will have their in-game status changed by force, depending on the player's faction and must open a store with their faction's name (Hero or Slayer);
  • This time the Brotherhood of Heroes leader is Dimer and the Slayers of Evil leader will be Toby;
  • Event begins and players of each faction will rush forward to slay, cut and kill;
  • The faction that completely wipes out the enemy faction wins.
  • The event will be held on an open NEW circular map, and teams will be teleported to opposite locations:


:infinity_logo_2: Registration :infinity_logo_2:
  • Players who want to participate in this event will have to register themselves by posting in this thread stating their character name they will use + what the character's class is;
  • Example: Name: Toby, Class: SM;
  • Once registered, we will expect you to arrive at the designated day and time;
  • Registered players who will not manage to arrive shall be replaced by any available online players at the time!

:infinity_logo_2: Rules :infinity_logo_2:
  1. No Cheats
  2. No Bugs
  3. No Exploits
  4. No Shield Skill
  5. No Summon
  6. No Teleport
  7. No Trace marry
  8. No Guild Wars
:infinity_logo_2: Location, Date and Time of the Event :infinity_logo_2:
  • Server 3, Sunday 16:00 UTC +3 29th of September 2024 (regular Castle Siege time);
  • Remember, this event is swapped with the regular Big Event host! Don't forget to register beforehand!
:infinity_logo_2: Prize :infinity_logo_2:
  • Winning Team:
    • Surviving members: 1x pair of Uber accessories of your choice + 10,000 Gold Credits + 6 IMES per survivor;
    • Fallen (dead) members: 5x ROW's + 10,000 Gold Credits + 3 IMES per fallen member.
  • Losing Team:
    • The consolation prize will be 5,000 Gold Credits per losing member.

Brought to you by:
InfinityMU Staff Team
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Posting behalf my best friend:

ign: Peanutz class: ELF

I am unsure if I will be able to take part in the event or not, but on the off chance that I will be available during that time, I want to register myself. I will let you know in case I find out that I won't be able to make it so this post can be removed.
Name: Accountant

Class: DM
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