Special Event InfinityMU Wars #5 [Dimer's Anniversary Edition]

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Name: Azrael.

Class: BM

Banner created by @Sugbo. :heart:
:infinity_logo_2: Event Description :infinity_logo_2:
  • It is a simple team-based PVP event where 2 totally opposite factions of our Infinity MU land — Brotherhood of Heroes & Slayers of Evil will face off against each other in a fierce battle!
  • Each faction shall be led into the battle by their leader towards victory! (a chosen staff member)
  • Peace will be achieved only when one of the factions remains!
  • Event is suitable for 20 or 30 players (subjected to change).

:infinity_logo_2: Event Mechanics :infinity_logo_2:
  • Announcing and gathering players;
  • Filling both factions with players in different locations a bit far from each other and the player will be randomly placed in either of the faction (via https://www.randomlists.com/team-generator);
  • All players will have their in-game status changed by force, depending on the player's faction and must open a store with their faction's name (Hero or Slayer);
  • This time the Brotherhood of Heroes leader is Dimer and the Slayers of Evil leader will be Toby;
  • Event begins and players of each faction will rush forward to slay, cut and kill;
  • The faction that completely wipes out the enemy faction wins.
  • The event will be held on an open NEW circular map, and teams will be teleported to opposite locations:


:infinity_logo_2: Registration :infinity_logo_2:
  • Players who want to participate in this event will have to register themselves by posting in this thread stating their character name they will use + what the character's class is;
  • Example: Name: Toby, Class: SM;
  • Once registered, we will expect you to arrive at the designated day and time;
  • Registered players who will not manage to arrive shall be replaced by any available online players at the time!

:infinity_logo_2: Rules :infinity_logo_2:
  1. No Cheats
  2. No Bugs
  3. No Exploits
  4. No Shield Skill
  5. No Summon
  6. No Teleport
  7. No Trace marry
  8. No Guild Wars
:infinity_logo_2: Location, Date and Time of the Event :infinity_logo_2:
  • Server 3, Sunday 16:00 UTC +3 29th of September 2024 (regular Castle Siege time);
  • Remember, this event is swapped with the regular Big Event host! Don't forget to register beforehand!
:infinity_logo_2: Prize :infinity_logo_2:
  • Winning Team:
    • Surviving members: 1x pair of Uber accessories of your choice + 10,000 Gold Credits + 6 IMES per survivor;
    • Fallen (dead) members: 5x ROW's + 10,000 Gold Credits + 3 IMES per fallen member.
  • Losing Team:
    • The consolation prize will be 5,000 Gold Credits per losing member.

Brought to you by:
InfinityMU Staff Team
Name :-GOAT-

Class ; DL
Generated teams are like this (Team 1 is Heroes, Team 2 is Slayers):


Event started now, so please registered players come in game right now. :)

In case someone does not come, will be replaced.​
After a bit of complications in gathering registered players, as some did not come, I don't know why and how since they registered knowing the exact date and time.
But we have managed to fill all the missing spots with other players and successfully had our battle!

Dimer's final Brotherhood of Heroes team:
  1. tylr
  2. Marvelous
  3. -[D]ahaka*
  4. Pe4nutz.
  5. !Mico
  6. Accountant
  7. (Bengga).
  8. Azrael.
  9. Gwyndolin
  10. Ixa
Toby's final Slayers of Evil team:
  1. -GOAT-
  2. FairyDust
  3. AskeIIad
  4. LogiTech.
  5. #BoogeyMan
  6. -DontCry-
  7. *Cranzyyyy
  8. [WARN!NG].
  9. lTotl
  10. Fuzze

Winning team:
:infinity_logo_2: Brotherhood of Heroes :infinity_logo_2:
Congratulation, guys. It was a tough fight, and I hope to have a rematch someday. :okaycheems:

And the survivors of the winning team were:
  1. tylr
  2. Marvelous
  3. -[D]ahaka*
  4. Pe4nutz.
  5. !Mico
  6. Accountant

For the survivors: please contact @Dimer with your desired choice of an uber accessory pair.

Video of the Event:

Some screenshots:




Gold Credits and IMES prizes will be added after this post!

Hope you enjoy the event. :cat-cute:

Thanks to all my staff teammates who came and helped in observing the event and its players. :purplevulpix:

InfinityMU Administration, Toby
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Congratulations to my team
Brotherhood of Heroes
They were excelent on every front:


And thank you to those who fast came to fill the missing spots and organised other to join the team.

We made 2 perfect parties which ensured the VICTORY

Of course, Toby's Slayers made the fight very very difficult and fought with honor till the last man!

Thank you for a wonderful 10th ANNIVERSARY








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