Discussion Lack of events

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Legends never die
January 28th , 2013
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I´ve made a similar thread in low exp forums, and i´m going to repeat it here because i see the same problem.

I don´t have a lot of time to spend in the server lately, but i like to connect in the weekends and play some events. And i´ve noticed that actually, there´s a big lack of them.

I´ve checked the event´s log and the last one was 2 days ago. I know GM´s are busy with there real lives but you are 5 (plus one HGM), and spend 2 entire days without a single event seems like a lot of time to me.


This is a big server, and there´s tons of players that enjoy it. And events are a big part of the fun.

Please don´t let this server go down.

Thank you.
Yes , i agree with you ! Server without GMs is a dead server
This is why we are forced to host some H&S events.
i noticed that if i go online i dont see any GM hosting an event.
2 days no event and we are letting the server to die? With such opinion i don't believe i have to talk something with you. It's summer, GMs won't sit whole day infront of pc.
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2 days no event and we are letting the server to die? With such opinion i don't believe i have to talk something with you. It's summer, GMs won't sit whole day infront of pc.

Do you think it's summer time for everyone around the world? Maybe for you but for other GMs its not
some of the GMs have also a job, so it should be even understood more. But thanks that you reminded you know all.
some of the GMs have also a job, so it should be even understood more. But thanks that you reminded you know all.

I have school starting 7 30 to 8 00 in the evening but i can still manage to play. What's your excuse?
I have school starting 7 30 to 8 00 in the evening but i can still manage to play. What's your excuse?
I have a life.
Hello mariuchi!

First, thanks for remind the days without events in game, but you was an staff member... you really know the problems that some us can have even daily... We are Game Masters, but if I can't host an event some day, at least i'm helping in trades, helping the ppls with questions... also i'm in the big responsibility to do some event in game, yes.. We know that, but think about the problem to stay online 5-6 hours daily... posible & imposible for others.

I'm not in position to say something against about your suggestion, coz you're also an infinitian and It's understandable.

However i hope you can understand me.

Thank you.
Players who have never been GMs will never be able to understand that GMs has their own lives too and its not like we can do event anytime and anyday you wish. Euge, be more realistic, when you been GM before in one of our sister server did you do events everyday? Im sure you didnt, even maybe were less active than us. So why do you like to judge staff members so much? Cuz you couldnt do well being LMOD?

Anyway, im hosting events today later.. just letting you know.
Events is not only the GM's tasks though....
Be patient.
There are reasons to be considered with this problem.
I cant undestand what the problems men ?
Honestly i aint lack of events.Even i am enjoying it much more than before.

Everyday there events hosting by GMs.
Anyway and maybe there's technical problems , you can easily PM to the Leader/HARREn and let him know.
Possibly you can missed the events as well as its possible happen to everyone.
We are always up to recruit new and capable players for GMs just to cover all timezones around the world. Unluckily there's no one who apply and capable to do the GM job this days. Euge, if you wish you can help the community and join our GM team. Would be really appreciated.

About the inactivity you noticed I can easily answer to your question: http://forum.infinitymu.net/forumdisplay.php?287-GM-Event-Logs

If you notice only Luigir is having your timezone and this is why you might not seen events by other GMs. One GM cannot serve whole community from Latin America every day of the week but still he's doing his best. We are lacking GMs from Latin America and this is most likely reason why you don't see events recently or maybe you are playing at different time of the day/week he's playing. You can always join the announce events such as PK Monthly Event or Castle Siege battles so you will be attending on the right time and enjoy the events. All of our GMs is doing their best to serve the community and as you can see their threads are created since 2012 for some of them.
Is PH timezone covered? I mean are there GMs for GMT +8?
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