Hi community
I'm going to propose a suggestion for the game,Because we do not increase the power of option pink
For me there is no difference between pink option or not pink in the set.
What do you think about this?
a user created this thread about the Pink option and for me is the true, the option pink does not have a good impact in the game.
I'm going to propose a suggestion for the game,Because we do not increase the power of option pink
For me there is no difference between pink option or not pink in the set.
What do you think about this?
a user created this thread about the Pink option and for me is the true, the option pink does not have a good impact in the game.
http://forum.infinitymu.net/showthread.php?101827-pink-opthello i have question
why in serv all items with no pink are better and why with pink are worse on trade
someone pl told me in past items with pink opt had bugs
is that are true ? if yes that bug are fix or not
how items with pink opt works now ? that items are good and maybe better like a items with no pink opt or not
plz anwer me