im always particular about entering the new game wherein you try hard to understand and adjust with the server. some players you can met can be generous and helpful but there are some that is troublesome. every players in this server possesses different personalities and of course it is also our duty to give the benefit of doubt to those players. im posting this because i saw and met players that were so careless and arrogant. they just pk other players especially new ones just to trip with them. i believe infinitians possess a kind heart. though we can figure out differences among players, but we still possess that values and virtue of RESPECT. here my proposal to atleast regulate other players not to unjustly pking players just for fun or out of curiousity whether they're strong or not. dear GMs, i respectfully request if its possible to ban temporarily those abusive and bully players. i know this suggestion won't quenched careless pking of others but i believe it will let them realize the importance of respect the rights of other new and even old infinitians. i suggest that characters being reported shall be subjected to possible character banning. this suggestion may help new players to really try hard to play this game and eventually will make them love this server not because of its excellent admin system but also the ambiance that the game it can offer them by giving them chance to be welcomed respectfully and with good manners by other infinitians :sos: