Chromebook is a device which by default using special OS, called ChromeOS. ChromeOS is not Microsoft Windows based, it's based on Linux, so sorry to say, but you won't be able to run the InfinityMU client on it.
Chromebooks (as well ChromeOS) designed to be a device which access only cloud infrastructure (cloud storage, cloud services, etc.), so for this reason it doesn't have powerful hardware [since most of operations are made in the "cloud"]. In fact all you can see in ChromeOS is like a fullscreen web browser.
However still there is
option to "run" Windows application on these devices based on cloud infrastructure, there are some factors which make you still unable to enjoy playing on any Chromebook:
- There would be quite huge [!] delay in gameplay, since Chromebook only can achieve this by showing the image output only, and the real program runs in some servers somewhere
- No guaranty the game client would run at all in the provider's system
- This available option is called VMware Horizon DaaS; it is not available home usage, it's quite expensive, so it doesn't fit for this purpose. You are free to check out the details.