Event POLL [POLL]Infinity Idol June

Infinity Idol June

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iMU Admin
August 30th , 2012
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Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time to choose our~


of June

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This month we have 4 entries!

1. Draco (IGN: Draco)

2. AleePoc (IGN: AleePoc)

3. WortzsteiN (IGN:WortzsteiN)

4. PotatoHead (IGN: MrPOTATO)

Aleepoc has my vote just for being something different. But do not leave your house anymore, we are in quarantine!
Voted for Potatohead coz he is such a POTATO. :dance::dance::dance:
Kidding aside, He made an effort to wear a costume and print those signs as well.
Nice one buddy! :fumando:
AleePoc got my VOTE.

I saw some unique entry this month. Although every one is worth it to vote. But AleePoc got my attention. Good Luck to all participants.
Id vote for @Draco, one because he’s my guild master. Lol. 2. Helped me alot during my first week. Special shoutout to [MENTION=1455]Booms[/MENTION] as well. 3. He’s been really active helping others on forums. The knowledge that he has is just astounding. So goodluck master. Bring home the chicken.
I voted for [MENTION=38038]PotatoHead[/MENTION] because i love stitch!, stitch is the main reason, i love it!
alleepoc got my vote, the edit effor for adding her health bar in it, and the surrounding , grats
My vote goes to Potatohead kudos to your custome, looks like you xdddd joking :P A for effort.
I voted for POTATOHEAD as well. The Props he used + the costume (takes a lot of guts to actually wear something like that) and its obvious he made a great effort. That Killer smile added a cherry on top. Should be in memes LOL!

AleePoc bagckground was nice, I don't know if the girl on the picture is you or your wife but if it I hope you get into our infinity finest.

Good luck to all! xD
Voted for aleepoc, looks nice and inspiring!

good luck idols!
i voted for AleePoc i love the background and the effort that he/she exerted on the health bar
Draco.. Well, no creativity in background whatsoever, text is made on laptop and doesn't look too appealing as well, just a basic selfie, nothing special.
Even though I do not approve that AleePoc edited the image to add the ingame name and hp+sd bar, I still appreciate the idea behind it, since she clearly wanted the image to portray her as an elf in game, hence the wings in the background. If the wings graffiti was made by you, that would be a 100% vote for your entry.
Ugh, WortzsteiN's entry is in similar level to Draco's, no effort put in whatsoever. This is idol event not post your selfie event. It has criteria - Outfit, Background, Looks, Efforts, Creativity.
PotatoHead standing out as always. Of the criteria, only background is not really thought about, but I get it, I wouldn't want to go out in jammies as well xD Overall pretty fun image to look at, it attracts the eye and does what it is supposed to.

Honestly, it is hard, because both AleePoc and PotatoHead did soomething cool and unique, both images are appealing in their own way. AleePoc, if you would've made that overhead bar in real life, you would have my vote, but since it's edited, I will go for Potato.
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