Greetings friends.
It's time for us to choose the InfinityMU Author of the
February Edition!
(Event Thread: Click Here)
Users who can vote:
Head Game Master
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Honorary Staff
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,Game Masters(Including trials),
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and Supporters.
1. TheFearOne
It's time for us to choose the InfinityMU Author of the
February Edition!
(Event Thread: Click Here)
Users who can vote:
Head Game Master
Lead Moderator
Honorary Staff
Head Event Masters
Senior Game Masters
Senior Moderators
,Game Masters(Including trials),
Event Masters,
Moderators(Including trials),
Wiki Members,
Infinity Star,
GFX Leaders,
Forum Heroes
and Supporters.
1. TheFearOne
2. Sly.
IGN: TheFearOne
To Infinity and Beyond
A man on immeasurable resilience
A man of virtue and patience
A man with a goal and mission
To provide the community with vision
Resistant is such this man
and he is the reason that all of this began
A simple dream of him to be the top one
A dream turning to reality with one wave of his hand
Numerous difficulties had gone in the past
but this man could say he could truly last
for he is full of necessary given ability
that enables him to deliver the needed quality
of this gameserver that he therefore
so much adore
He should be honored to the top of nobility
for his innovation focusing on the gaming quality
however this man is simple, not arrogant and boastful
that why we need to be respectful
and give a toast to the man who created this server
who could stand the test of infinity and forever.
3. Warean
IGN: Sly.
"Infinity ā Love "
(A Valentines Edition)
Infinity Love,
Infinity has so many different meanings
The state of being infinite
A large number or great amount,
A love or just being played
Infinity means stretching into forever,
and it's how long you'll love someone.
It's limitless, It's endless
and it is also my favorite number,
8, it is, because it becomes infinity when you put it on its side
Infinity is how long our love will last, and when the game will last
It is how long we will remember each other
We may go our separate ways, but you were, and still are,
my first game that i loved.
I've played for about 9 years, is that long enough?
I will remember this game named "InfinityMu"
You, creating friendship, laughter, and connecting people
around the world, thats the reason this game last long. FOREVER & ALWAYS! <3
Admiring the who works hard and plays alot In InfinityMu
A worker that is stressed dont know what to do,
He/She sometimes got off, but still do his/her work well done.
He/She is nothing about all and not famous to call.
He/She just a worker that dont give a ****( please dont judge)
Iām admired to him/her because a silent type of person but a monster to discover.
He/She knows how to manage his/her time and dont forget his/her only game.
After all those stress of work he/she give time to his/her game (InfinityMu) to spend for.
Although life is unfair to judge, more blahblah to comment on.
Life on Earth is just short he/she give me the idea to work on,
He/She give me an idea to cherish for and dedicate time on.
If I may voice them out they are all the staff members,
They give time for our game to secure policy.
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