Hello dear Infinity players.
As you can see from the title I am here to suggest one new game rule.
As you have noticed as a player in this game in recent time there are some obvious game changing things going on,
regarding the game it self of what we call "Edited stats or Agility hack" Don't you agree?
It is a fact and every body knows that.
But what I want to suggest and say is that our Dear Game masters soon will get sick of this because they are the one's who is doing the most of the work.
For example - You as a player do some PVP with some random player and he kills you many times - you don't know the reason but the fact is he kills you.
What do you think in your mind ? Obviously - He is a hacker, he uses Agility hack or speed hack or what ever -And then what do you do? You call the GM's
because often I see inside in the Forum chat "Any game Master online I want that you check one player."
there are many peoples who are calling GM's to check their stats in the game so you can relax when you hear "This person is clear" or in other cases you might be right.
And the guy relogs and runs away but in the same time GM's have done their job already they have recorded everything and the guy gets banned. (sun)
I want to ask for Resistant and with our loved GM's help to make new rule regarding of this situation what could make it equal for GM's and the players.
First of all. You as a player if you really think that the other person is not playing fair - Do these following steps.
1.Turn on the fraps.
2 Fight with them and never run away keep recording so you end up getting at least 3 kills from the person who you think is using Agi hack.
3.Make sure that the videos are saved.
4 Go to the forums and only then ask GM's to come and check them out.
So at the end of the day if Game master comes online - checks the person stats and ends up clean, you can easily delete the video out from your PC.
But If the person leaves and refuses to show their stats by logging of from the game and say's "DC T_T" "Why did you DC me" or "my dog chew the internet cable for a second"
So then GM's will have the right to demand the videos of YOU to upload them and after you must send to one of Game Masters,
and then all GM team can have a look and judge the videos and make a final decision.
So instead of banning the player for not showing their stats for a week because it is obvious that they are scared to show the real proof that they are guilty.
Your video can help to ban the guy for longer time and pay for their stupid ideas of using silly programs to make them be "Stronger?"
I think you should understand also Game masters as well.
They are here at most of the times when they are free and most of the times they do their best to answer and do the rest of what we as a players demand.
Have you noticed that when the Game masters go online and prepare their fraps in case the guy will leg off?
They record everything. They upload the video for everyone to see of how stupid that person is.
So I think we should give a try to do the same - to cooperate with GM's which would be awesome thing to do and it would be equal for both sides.
Today we all saw [Here] of how awesome it was to see that the guy who was banned for not showing his stats to the GM Wrathbinge,
but yet there was somebody who did record the video and proved it for all 100% that the guy was guilty and the guy got the legendary free ticket to the "I Love InfinityMU land"
In the mean time Game masters who will be online randomly will check people stats when they will see big fights who kills everyone,
to make sure them selves that the guy is clean.
And it will be less often that the players will be bothered from being checked like nearly everyday and most of the time they are clear.
So think about it. We must show some respect the GM's not by saying that you love them and so on, but try to cooperate with them as well.
And who knows - The server will be even more cooler with Awesome Players and with great Staff team who works with each other.
Thanks for reading this, hope you will understand the point I am making.
Regards ||
As you can see from the title I am here to suggest one new game rule.
As you have noticed as a player in this game in recent time there are some obvious game changing things going on,
regarding the game it self of what we call "Edited stats or Agility hack" Don't you agree?
It is a fact and every body knows that.
But what I want to suggest and say is that our Dear Game masters soon will get sick of this because they are the one's who is doing the most of the work.
For example - You as a player do some PVP with some random player and he kills you many times - you don't know the reason but the fact is he kills you.
What do you think in your mind ? Obviously - He is a hacker, he uses Agility hack or speed hack or what ever -And then what do you do? You call the GM's
because often I see inside in the Forum chat "Any game Master online I want that you check one player."
there are many peoples who are calling GM's to check their stats in the game so you can relax when you hear "This person is clear" or in other cases you might be right.
And the guy relogs and runs away but in the same time GM's have done their job already they have recorded everything and the guy gets banned. (sun)
I want to ask for Resistant and with our loved GM's help to make new rule regarding of this situation what could make it equal for GM's and the players.
First of all. You as a player if you really think that the other person is not playing fair - Do these following steps.
1.Turn on the fraps.
2 Fight with them and never run away keep recording so you end up getting at least 3 kills from the person who you think is using Agi hack.
3.Make sure that the videos are saved.
4 Go to the forums and only then ask GM's to come and check them out.
So at the end of the day if Game master comes online - checks the person stats and ends up clean, you can easily delete the video out from your PC.
But If the person leaves and refuses to show their stats by logging of from the game and say's "DC T_T" "Why did you DC me" or "my dog chew the internet cable for a second"
So then GM's will have the right to demand the videos of YOU to upload them and after you must send to one of Game Masters,
and then all GM team can have a look and judge the videos and make a final decision.
So instead of banning the player for not showing their stats for a week because it is obvious that they are scared to show the real proof that they are guilty.
Your video can help to ban the guy for longer time and pay for their stupid ideas of using silly programs to make them be "Stronger?"
I think you should understand also Game masters as well.
They are here at most of the times when they are free and most of the times they do their best to answer and do the rest of what we as a players demand.
Have you noticed that when the Game masters go online and prepare their fraps in case the guy will leg off?
They record everything. They upload the video for everyone to see of how stupid that person is.
So I think we should give a try to do the same - to cooperate with GM's which would be awesome thing to do and it would be equal for both sides.
Today we all saw [Here] of how awesome it was to see that the guy who was banned for not showing his stats to the GM Wrathbinge,
but yet there was somebody who did record the video and proved it for all 100% that the guy was guilty and the guy got the legendary free ticket to the "I Love InfinityMU land"
In the mean time Game masters who will be online randomly will check people stats when they will see big fights who kills everyone,
to make sure them selves that the guy is clean.
And it will be less often that the players will be bothered from being checked like nearly everyday and most of the time they are clear.
So think about it. We must show some respect the GM's not by saying that you love them and so on, but try to cooperate with them as well.
And who knows - The server will be even more cooler with Awesome Players and with great Staff team who works with each other.
Thanks for reading this, hope you will understand the point I am making.
Regards ||