Name - Raul Laidvee
Gender - Male
Age - 19
Birthday - November.02.1992
Location - Estonia, Tartu
Languages - English and Estonian
Time-zone: GMT + 2
Why do I think I am eligble for being Moderator?
*I have experience moderating vBulletin forums
*I am and will be loyal to InfinityMu community
*I am matured enough to handle the job
*I don't loose my temper
*I will follow every rule
*I'd like to help to clean the forum from spam
*I want to help people/share my knowledge
*I've been moderator and GM here.
*I am responsible
Average amount of time I can spend In-Game?
In-game i don't know. I can spend like 5 hours, but i don't go in-game that much theese days.
Average amount of time I can spend In-Forum?
3-6 hours or more.
Other information:
I made this apply and i know people will start to complain about my activity, but trust me i am on every day and helping people.
I don't give same replies to the questions like some of them and i don't spam. Nemet had a chance with 10% activity, so i hope that i have chance too.
I really got nothing to do, so im offering my help. I never broke any rule and all i want to do is help out our current moderator. So i hope you'll give me another chance.
Thoose people who knows me for long time knows i can handle this job very well. Thanks for reading. If you have any questions please reply to my application and i will try to answer
Thanks for reading again,
Raul Aka SmokeN
Gender - Male
Age - 19
Birthday - November.02.1992
Location - Estonia, Tartu
Languages - English and Estonian
Time-zone: GMT + 2
Why do I think I am eligble for being Moderator?
*I have experience moderating vBulletin forums
*I am and will be loyal to InfinityMu community
*I am matured enough to handle the job
*I don't loose my temper
*I will follow every rule
*I'd like to help to clean the forum from spam
*I want to help people/share my knowledge
*I've been moderator and GM here.
*I am responsible
Average amount of time I can spend In-Game?
In-game i don't know. I can spend like 5 hours, but i don't go in-game that much theese days.
Average amount of time I can spend In-Forum?
3-6 hours or more.
Other information:
I made this apply and i know people will start to complain about my activity, but trust me i am on every day and helping people.
I don't give same replies to the questions like some of them and i don't spam. Nemet had a chance with 10% activity, so i hope that i have chance too.
I really got nothing to do, so im offering my help. I never broke any rule and all i want to do is help out our current moderator. So i hope you'll give me another chance.
Thoose people who knows me for long time knows i can handle this job very well. Thanks for reading. If you have any questions please reply to my application and i will try to answer

Thanks for reading again,
Raul Aka SmokeN