Sm0keN [Re-Moderator Application]

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I Am Da Sexy Beast! Rawrr
March 14th , 2010
Reaction score
UK, Birmingham
Name - Raul Laidvee

Gender - Male

Age - 19

Birthday - November.02.1992

Location - Estonia, Tartu

Languages - English and Estonian

Time-zone: GMT + 2

Why do I think I am eligble for being Moderator?

*I have experience moderating vBulletin forums
*I am and will be loyal to InfinityMu community
*I am matured enough to handle the job
*I don't loose my temper
*I will follow every rule
*I'd like to help to clean the forum from spam
*I want to help people/share my knowledge
*I've been moderator and GM here.
*I am responsible

Average amount of time I can spend In-Game?
In-game i don't know. I can spend like 5 hours, but i don't go in-game that much theese days.

Average amount of time I can spend In-Forum?
3-6 hours or more.

Other information:

I made this apply and i know people will start to complain about my activity, but trust me i am on every day and helping people.
I don't give same replies to the questions like some of them and i don't spam. Nemet had a chance with 10% activity, so i hope that i have chance too.
I really got nothing to do, so im offering my help. I never broke any rule and all i want to do is help out our current moderator. So i hope you'll give me another chance.
Thoose people who knows me for long time knows i can handle this job very well. Thanks for reading. If you have any questions please reply to my application and i will try to answer (:

Thanks for reading again,
Raul Aka SmokeN
I knew that this moment will happen.
Ill say YES for you raul , even you been Legend.
But you still stay here at Infinity.
You are an experienced Mod before as i know , you also a good friend.
In my opinion , you are qualified for the position perfectly.
Once again , Yes for you.
You were mod also GM here, demoted by inactivity but a good one. And as we can see you are still loyal to us.
Btw i know you perfectly, you are a great friend and i know that you can handle this job.
Since we have few mods, you will have my support and a big yes from me :)
Ofcourse my answer will be always YES! you're too much experienced and you know how to handle this job, and once you got approved i know you can make up ur activity. but please, tell us all the time if you're going to be inactive because you're like mushroom and you know what i mean :P anyway, goodluck raul hope you got approved with this application.
I dont know you Well, but as i know see you're a good players coz all like you.
Some peoples complain that you was a good GM but you was demoted due Inactivity, btw all have personal problems in real life and thats make inactivity.
You have my Yes, since i saw you're a good friend and we really need more MODs.
YES for me
Because as you said your ex- moderator here. Like me
And i know you can handle this job again so good luck mate :)
1) You have experienced for this position
2) You are friendly
3) You never do anything wrong
4) You are loyal

Good luck in your application.
Yes of course!
You were a good Mod and GM before,
you have experience and knowledge
in this position.
Good Luck!
Yes for me!
You have experienced for this position
You are friendly
You never do anything wrong

Your problem are activity.
Yes ofc :D

his loyal to infinitymu . he got many friends cause you was friendly and joyful person . GL :)
and 1 more thing why not run for GM position ? :DD
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Raul, you are 1 of the old, Loyal InfinityMU Player. Yea you demoted due inactivity, but this is Summer now right?. I know you will be active enough.And you have enough experience for this job. I will give you my "YES" vote.
Good Luck (:)
YES. You were demoted because of inactivity, that is the lightest fault you could caused to be demoted. Beside, you are a good and funny person, I don't know you much but looking at everyone's agrees above made me have trust in you :) Goodluck
I don't know you at all but my INSTINCTS say YES! ;p
Yes ofc :D

his loyal to infinitymu . he got many friends cause you was friendly and joyful person . GL :)
and 1 more thing why not run for GM position ? :DD

Because there is enough active and good GM's currently. Also im not that active in-game and there isn't enough forum moderators, so im willing to help out (:
My opinion about you:

1) You are an experienced person and the last weeks you are getting to be active again
2) You are answering for players question and helping them at forum really good
3) About Activity, its easy to rise up so thats not contains at my point of view
4) When you were GM you did a good job
5) Friendly, mature and trustable

So i give aa YES for your application
Good Luck and if you got promoted work as a professional team member ;)
My opinion about you:

1) You are an experienced person and the last weeks you are getting to be active again
2) You are answering for players question and helping them at forum really good
3) About Activity, its easy to rise up so thats not contains at my point of view
4) When you were GM you did a good job
5) Friendly, mature and trustable

So i give aa YES for your application
Good Luck and if you got promoted work as a professional team member ;)

Same opinion. Yes. Good luck.
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