Here is my suggestion of disabling if not totally removing DX button (press F8) function on siege server
Fundamental Reason why i suggested it to be disabled:
DX button known as auto attack function was put with a reason to help us do afk lvling in server 1-4. It was there to make things easier pvm or pvp however i think it is an issue in the siege server due to the following reasons:
Some Character classes spam skills way too fast which is unfair
SMs autospam teleport skill too fast because of this function (hold the switch + select teleport and press f8, use mouse to move) it wayy to fast man, way too fast seeing sm more like 1sec or lower you cant even hit him its kinda abusive. Also on BK and DLs use shield skill + press F8 = Unkillable
i highly suggest to disable dx function if not increase teleport cooldown into X number of sseconds
1. Everyone will be challenge switching/playing not just (use shield skill+press f8+pots = not die or use tele + press f8 +pots)
2. Balance on Team Play during CS
3. every one will play normally using mouse pressing buttons etc.
1. too many will disagree
secondly, i suggest to disable tracemarry command on siege server, in the first place why do we have this function? i do agree that its good we have this but it seems unfair too, why do have DL summon skill in the first place if we have this tracemarry thingy?
i guess to enhance the balance on CS we should disable this functionality in siege server at least we got better teamwork with DLs than typing /1 /tracemarry "name here" and press alt+1 i know its way easier for everyone marrying everyone but DLs are outta place as superb Party leaders in CS. nowadays they are regarded as buffers not pro PLs.
1. DL will be emphasized as key team player along with their summon skill not just as buffers
2. Balance Team play
3. Better CS
4. Less lag (whenever someone used tracemarry once he appeared beside you causes lag)
1. Too many will hate this suggestions
2. nothing really
Drop your comments on this.. no trolls, serious discussion only.
Fundamental Reason why i suggested it to be disabled:
DX button known as auto attack function was put with a reason to help us do afk lvling in server 1-4. It was there to make things easier pvm or pvp however i think it is an issue in the siege server due to the following reasons:
Some Character classes spam skills way too fast which is unfair
SMs autospam teleport skill too fast because of this function (hold the switch + select teleport and press f8, use mouse to move) it wayy to fast man, way too fast seeing sm more like 1sec or lower you cant even hit him its kinda abusive. Also on BK and DLs use shield skill + press F8 = Unkillable
i highly suggest to disable dx function if not increase teleport cooldown into X number of sseconds
1. Everyone will be challenge switching/playing not just (use shield skill+press f8+pots = not die or use tele + press f8 +pots)
2. Balance on Team Play during CS
3. every one will play normally using mouse pressing buttons etc.
1. too many will disagree
secondly, i suggest to disable tracemarry command on siege server, in the first place why do we have this function? i do agree that its good we have this but it seems unfair too, why do have DL summon skill in the first place if we have this tracemarry thingy?
i guess to enhance the balance on CS we should disable this functionality in siege server at least we got better teamwork with DLs than typing /1 /tracemarry "name here" and press alt+1 i know its way easier for everyone marrying everyone but DLs are outta place as superb Party leaders in CS. nowadays they are regarded as buffers not pro PLs.
1. DL will be emphasized as key team player along with their summon skill not just as buffers
2. Balance Team play
3. Better CS
4. Less lag (whenever someone used tracemarry once he appeared beside you causes lag)
1. Too many will hate this suggestions
2. nothing really
Drop your comments on this.. no trolls, serious discussion only.