Suggestion to have another uber set :)

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The Uncrowned King!
April 27th , 2010
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I am wondering if we can have another uber set. like uber hegaton dragon set or something. :) But it should cost like more or less 40$ What do you think guys?
Nice, but why it should costs more?... it will be an uber as any other, it won't be Zeus's Armor. XD
it should cost more because,it is a special uber set. :D and have more powerful ancient options. ^^
it should cost more because,it is a special uber set. :D and have more powerful ancient options. ^^

No matter if its new, or if it has more ancient option... Uber is Uber, I would be agree with add it to the server, but I'm not agree with the prize since its an Uber as any other. It hasn't nothing special. :*
I personally disagree with the idea. In my opinion it will cause previous donators to lose interest in the game, if it was originally available theu could have chosen foe the new uber set plus the reason that we are on season 3, I am not really sure if the set is originally released by webzen.
I think we don't want overpowered characters roam around the server. right? I like the idea but there shouldn't be more powerful than the ubers we have right now. Think about it :)

Yes your right. Because more players are not donators on this server and if we overpowered this server, more people will get lazy to play this game . I dis agree and hyon+vic uber is enough ;)
Firstly, I appreciate your intention.
Reading between your lines, I can perceive that you're suggesting new ideas to simply further the wonders of the server.
However, the idea that you have opened up has several possible negative effects not only to the server but as well as to the players.
Most of which have been mentioned above.

Just don't be discouraged and keep the fire burning. =)
it should cost more because,it is a special uber set. :D and have more powerful ancient options. ^^

So what do you mean in this ? those who are wearing Uber sets now will be overpowered of those who is wearing Hegaton? Do you think it is fair? Think about those who can't afford atleast 40$ what is the possible will happen ? Leave Community cause Overpower player ruled the PK think about it. All ubers will be cost same to be fair to all Players.
So what do you mean in this ? those who are wearing Uber sets now will be overpowered of those who is wearing Hegaton? Do you think it is fair? Think about those who can't afford atleast 40$ what is the possible will happen ? Leave Community cause Overpower player ruled the PK think about it. All ubers will be cost same to be fair to all Players.

Plus, there will be an inevitable market imbalance.
Those who have already established themselves will have to start all over again and those who are new will have to endure a longer and harder way towards prosperity.
yeah,all of the things have its own consequences. :3 but i am just suggesting something new and thrilling. xD because i have defeated lots of other players using uber hyong+vic+sacred with only using my DP SET+pair imp sword. :3 I am looking for something thrilling that will make my blood pump! :D
yeah,all of the things have its own consequences. :3 but i am just suggesting something new and thrilling. xD because i have defeated lots of other players using uber hyong+vic+sacred with only using my DP SET+pair imp sword. :3 I am looking for something thrilling that will make my blood pump! :D
Oh and HyonVic+ sacred is not good at all :D and if you defeated lots of player using that :D and thats great :D you dont have to use uber :D if you can kill players with ubers set :D
This is not a good suggestion since the server is only on season 3. Good thing Venc approved your request on S4 sets and items. Costs more, as effect, will lose the interest of donating.
i wont agree on this others said this will cause imbalance in players the donators will much be like gods and can easily kill other players, and its from another season.. :3 there are many ubers to pick some of them are not event used/donated by players.. :3
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