It is not possible trade betweeen Uber Draconite Sets;
You can sell your Uber Tier 1 & 2 Draconite Set for Rings of Wind/Gold Credits/VD
Kindly read BTA Rules & Policy at here:
My apologies, there was a little contradiction in rules which has been changed.
There was a line "You can sell your Uber Tier 1 & 2 Draconite Set for Rings of Wind/Gold Credits/VD;", when there also was a line "BTA between Gold Credits/ROWs/Draconites/Uber Draconite Sets (Tier 1 & Tier 2)", the first one appears to be left there from before and for some reason I failed to remove it.
So, the rule, that SVIP and TC can do "BTA between Gold Credits/ROWs/Draconites/Uber Draconite Sets (Tier 1 & Tier 2)" still is in power and means that draco sets can be traded with draco sets of equal value, provided that all necessary BTA steps have been followed.
My apologies for the confusion. So, [MENTION=39751][O]yen[/MENTION] , you can trade T2 for T2 if you wish.