Web warehouse suggestion

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New member
January 3rd , 2017
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We have Vault from 1 to 10. My suggestion is to be able to change vault name. For example pressing ''Vault 1'' and renaming it to ''MG Gear''.

It will make it more easier to use
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Yeah it's good..to add you can change personally the name of the voult. Because some of the player don't have other character some of them bk's only or elf's only.or other. they can change like BK(1), BK(2) or BK (IGN), ELF (ign) ..etc..to make personal/unique..

It's good suggestion, let it make easy to the players do choose what voult.
I find this very useful. If ever this suggestion will be accepted, it will be easier to use the 10 vaults. It's a YES from me. :oye:
Very good suggestion!
Collectors like me it would be very usefull to use it.
And for our great Admin Venci
will be easier to tranfser the items to the correct place request from the players.
Its an unique suggestion for an unique server. :oye:
Thumps up!
Never have seen that the Vault numbers change when you switch your main vault...
This can give problems when you say call vault 1 = mg gear, and you make it main vault, after you got vault 3 and its called BM gear, and you make it Main Vault the vault number of 1 would be go to 3 and 1 will be the bm gear.
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Never have seen that the Vault numbers change when you switch your main guild...
This can give problems when you say call vault 1 = mg gear, and you make it main vault, after you got vault 3 and its called BM gear, and you make it Main Vault the vault number of 1 would be go to 3 and 1 will be the bm gear.
Can't even understand you. It looks like you did not understand my suggestion too. The text will change as the numbers. There is no difference lol..
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Good suggestion. It would make it easier for us to choose the vault we need. We just have to click the name of the vault that we want to use. Nice idea.
Can't even understand you. It looks like you did not understand my suggestion too. The text will change as the numbers. There is no difference lol..
I don't think, that you understood it yourself. Before saying, that GM doesn't get something, get your facts straight and then talk BS. Let's take, that "Vault 1" is "BK stuff" and "Vault 2" is "MG stuff", for using vault in-game, you must set the vault you want as main vault. As soon as you set "Vault 2" as main vault, it becomes "Vault 1", meaning "MG stuff" is now "BK stuff" with MG stuff in it. Check 2 times before you cut, mate.

Sure, I suppose, that this can be worked out somehow and it would be possible to make that happen, but seriously.. Why? Is your memory that bad, that you have to write everything down? People are too lazy, that is it. I don't support this laziness. Useless.
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Sure, I suppose, that this can be worked out somehow and it would be possible to make that happen, but seriously.. Why? Is your memory that bad, that you have to write everything down? People are too lazy, that is it. I don't support this laziness. Useless.

Well your still a teenager am i right? So that means, your still good at remembering things. So i suggest not to change the Vault names, it will go crazy and maybe some of the items might be lost.
Never have seen that the Vault numbers change when you switch your main guild...
This can give problems when you say call vault 1 = mg gear, and you make it main vault, after you got vault 3 and its called BM gear, and you make it Main Vault the vault number of 1 would be go to 3 and 1 will be the bm gear.
@Nikki: What are you talking about guild? oh nikki nothing is impossible. Venci's dev or him could make that possible.

About the suggestion that's possible in the Website. Nothing is impossible in programming
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@Nikki: What are you talking about guild? oh nikki nothing is impossible. Venci's dev or him could make that possible.

About the suggestion that's possible in the Website. Nothing is impossible in programming

Needed to be vault xD. Never told its impossible. Just the work for it. Is just why???
You got 10 vault the vault change place when you set other to main so there need to be alot of coding. Also the started of this thread lost he's brains some where because he never changed vaults otherwise he would understand my point :)

How long do it take to find your gear in vault. Less then 1 minute to check all availble vaults.

About the suggestion, it's all about changing its simple query and naming convention. :oye:
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Guys, please refrain yourself for argument each other,
Everyone have their own suggesting and opinion, do not include personal thing in here,
Some posts that will lead to dispute and argument has been deleted.

On topic,
What Nikki's meaning is when you rename your Vault 1 into BM Gear and Vault 2 into MG Gear they will change when you switch the Main Vault,
example :
When you switch your Vault 2 to Main Vault (which is Vault 1) the vault's name of MG Gear will became BM Gear and BM Gear goes to MG Gear.
The only way to settle this is you need to rename it again,

So this Suggestion is allowed Player can rename it manually at Website ?
Needed to be vault xD. Never told its impossible. Just the work for it. Is just why???
You got 10 vault the vault change place when you set other to main so there need to be alot of coding. Also the started of this thread lost he's brains some where because he never changed vaults otherwise he would understand my point :)

How long do it take to find your gear in vault. Less then 1 minute to check all availble vaults.


Why are referring that he has lost his brain? It is just a suggestion. So basically you're saying every suggestions made that you do not agree with has their brain lost :waah: ? who gave you the rights to say that to a player that is lower to you? Dont be so ****y just because you are a Gm you can mock us. Come on now we do have the rights to make a suggestions. POSSIBLE OR Impossible.

Anyway, "You got 10 vault the vault change place when you set other to main" Everyone knew about that lol thats pretty much like additional of 1+1=2.

@"there need to be alot of coding" = You're not the one who's gonna code it right? if not so, then you have nothing to worry about. Thats easy for Venci or his devs coz they're pro.

@How long does it take? Depends on the Internet Speed

This gonna be up to Venci anyway, but the suggestion is bright.
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