Discussion What is the Best FO set for BM ?

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July 13th , 2014
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New Player here and I wanted to know what would be the best possible set for BM? Please Explain why?
Thank you :plaths:
Of course UBER sets, it can be reinforced with JOH + PINK? I'm not sure with the pink opt but i think so, haha. :)
The best set is the UBER SET
which is you just can purchase it
Via Donate :) it can be reinforced
in any option you would like to put. :)
Btw, all set's are just the same its just
defend on how you use your character
i mean pilot. :> Its better if you got
Fast pots.
Best set is Uber Set of course. Since it's FO+it has ancient options. If you'll only ask about plain FO sets, then go for brave/titan with pink. Their defense is high+the pink improves them more. If you only want s3 set then i would recommend scale or DK+p. DK+pink has high defense while scale gloves has 10 attack speed, although those things doesn't have much difference. I think it's still better to use your favorite set ;) it makes you like your character more and you can perform better that way ;)
New Player here and I wanted to know what would be the best possible set for BM? Please Explain why?
Thank you :plaths:

Best will be

Dragon Hyon Uber + Vicious Dragon Uber set combine the both is good def and attack set
+ pair mok and sacred ring + HLS (Hyon lightning sword)

its awesome.
for me is Bronze set, because is not heavy to use ehehe...
I prefer any set since this is a Full Stats server try to observe in Stadium S3.
Best potter wins.
All FO Sets are worth it. It will be depending on your potting if it can save your character's life in PK
well before you guys answer read.. he said FO ( means full option exe set)

on topic : well all sets are the same , there's no specfic "best set"
all fo are great got same defence , same damage and same options
it depends on your yellow opt , skills , pot rate + knowledge in pking

if you're asking about opnions for me the best set is DK , becuz it got pink opt which it helps and a lil more def than other sets
if it is full option set it will be DK


Huge defense
Pink Option
Very Cheap (easily acquired)

They said pink option is totaly bug (thats not true)
Its ugly

for the weapons..
Pair uber mok + uber sacred rings + evis pendant of wind

if no budget try to go for Pair BoneblaDe.
I say Bronze + 2 db, Good combination + looks sexy fine
Depends on what you like to have , BIG dmg or BIG defense.
Well for Big Damage i'd rather to adice you Uber,but if you won't donate
i prefer DK, Since it has got speciall options high defense.It will advantage you in PVP.
If you're looking for the best FO, aside from uber sets, well, Season 4 sets have much more defense than the Season 3 sets. Either Brave set or Titan set for BM characters :)
The key to success is good pot rate :)
Even you're only using FO items with the right yellow options you can put them all down. Even they're using uber.
Oh and with a good combination of combos.
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