Discussion Why do you play InfinityMU?

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September 24th , 2013
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Mu is a hella old ass game 10+ years why do you guys still keep on playing it? There is hundreds of other free mmorpgs. What makes MU so special? Is it the nostalgic feeling you get when you play? Is it the nice shiny items , is it the ability to own the best players within weeks of joining?

I myself still play it cause it was the only game my crappy computer could handle back like in 2006, and i fell in love with having jewels in the stacks of 30's fill up my vualt. Having multiple F.o+13 shiny sets made me feel like i had accomplished somethiing, and boy did they look good.
The reason why I'm still playing MU even there are lots of mmo's that are better then MU is because of the bond, friends, knowledge gained. I dont not play a game just to buy and sell items or own a strong item but to have friends that treat you like a family and where I can share my problems with.
I'm still playing MU because its good(obviously lol). I like it's PK system more that the other. Also the graphics is good and you don't need a great computer to play it. Castle siege and guilds are very cool. Since it has the essence of teamwork, i always liked those kind of things.
Oooooo.... I've been playing MU since i was in 10y/o. MU is a different game if you see some games right now is in 3D it looks nice but, theres nothing fun of it. I got used to play this game every time is just get me adicted. I tried to play another game but i keep thinking about MU. And my friends. I just loved it playing MU ❤️
There could be better MMORPG's out there, but this was my game since 9y/o and I still enjoy it up to now. Still the best for me. :)
The reason why I'm still playing MU even there are lots of mmo's that are better then MU is because of the bond, friends, knowledge gained. I dont not play a game just to buy and sell items or own a strong item but to have friends that treat you like a family and where I can share my problems with.

Why would you share your problems with a freak that lives thousands of miles away and all he does is stay in his room on the computer.
Agree with the friends thing though.
I play Mu because im playing this game since i was in elementary, this was the best Online game that i enjoyed the most. although I stop playing this game when i was in highschool I really love this game so now that im in college Im back in playing this lovely game coz i really missed it ^^. Mu will NEVER gets old and will NEVER be forgotten.. PERIOD(.)
I don't play just MU, I play plenty of games ,,,, In fact I barely play the game itself...
I don't play just any server/kind of MU, I play infinityMu,,,,and mostly because when there weren't other MMO's with better graphics and better gameplay than MU,, InfinityMU was the only place that got gave me "Entertainment". So if you ask me, it's not about leisure or fun cause basically MU(refering to the game) is boring , however InfinityMu though has one of the best communities in the whole freaking universe,,, better than the community of the other game I play where in there is about more than a million subscribers. To end it all up and summarize it in an idiot's terms, I play InfinityMU (not just MU in general) cause my friends from the past are here, and I remain loyal to the game.
I Play MU, Because MU (InfinityMU) a day took's and keeps the BORING AWAY.
Hi sergioR,
u maybe need to change thread name to "why do you play InfinityMU ?" :nuhnuh:

If u just say "play MU" most of other MU server is kinda same = boring

Yes, I've play several (server) MU until i meet this InfinityMU 3 years ago :D
This server is so much different than the other,
here InfinityMU have great Community, great Staffs & of course great Admin!
not mention it have much great event too, in forum or in game,
here u just not all about play in game, u can much friends even family xD

I just love InfinityMU ! :yes:
i play this game because its good and i earn many friends here :D
1st. I play because it's The Best game
2nd. have fun :D
3rd. relax from works
4th. I play & Insania, Counter Strike & NFSMW
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"I'm addicted to you baby oooo" - those words can describe everything :XD:
Ofc when you will find your sould mates it will be hard for u to leave this game :grin: Even if "game"is not that special.
People around u make it special so u don't want to leave :winkk:
And ofc it's fun :grin:
"I'm addicted to you baby oooo" - those words can describe everything :XD:
Ofc when you will find your sould mates it will be hard for u to leave this game :grin: Even if "game"is not that special.
People around u make it special so u don't want to leave :winkk:
And ofc it's fun :grin:

Super agree!
Love yah sissy! No need for me to state mine, it's the same as yours. =)

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