Staff Team Update 09-11-2023 (Stan)

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February 13th , 2019
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Hi everyone!

Stan has been promoted to the position of Senior Game Master. He will assists the HGM in leading and guiding the current game masters and those who will join the team in the future. Given his prior experience as a leader before, I trust him to be a valuable on on his new position. He will actively be available in a different time zone when I am offline, ensuring that an HGM / SGM is always available to provide support 24/7 to the gm team and to the community.

Wish him luck for his promotion!
Gratzzzzz Stan!!!!! PLEASE NO BAN MI OKEH?! ;) :ROFLMAO:
Owww sheeet, just my guild member got promoted? Anyway I know hes the right man for this position! Grats ma slave Stanina 👌
Congrats @Stan , Keep it up. 😘
Gratz Stan. It prooves once again that, all who works hard and earn respects gets what he deserves or opposite. It always been like this with InfinityMU.
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