Hello and welcome to the Poll of
InfinityMU Memes event!
In this thread, please vote for the participant that made you laugh the most and the meme that you find best out of the 3 everyone posted.
Example: I vote for Anja to win, because (reason) "this meme made me laugh the most" {link to meme}
Users who can vote:
β Administrator β Head Game Master β Lead Moderator β
β Senior Game Master β Game Master(Including trial) β Head Event Master β Event Master(Including trial) β
β Senior Moderator β Moderator(Including trial) β
β Wiki Member β GFX Leader β GFX Team β
β Legend β Supporter β Forum Supporter β
Options to choose from:
1. Tofuuu (Tofuuu)
2. Bizzle (Bizzle)
3. SneyKing (SneyPrince)
4. beet (Beeeeeeet)
5. CatSoup (CatSoup)
6. [Warean] ([Warean])
@SneyKing , @beet In future, if you don't follow rules of how to post an entry, I won't be so kind to download all 3 images and upload them myself so I can post them. Don't use attach, use image hosting services.