Banned Acc of Char 25$..1.Set

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February 13th , 2019
Reaction score
Account: 25$..1.Set
Duration: 31 days
Reason: Macro Usage [1st]
30.07.2021 [20:08:32][INFO] Account : [***] Name : [25$..1.Set] Command [eqw]
30.07.2021 [20:08:38][INFO] Account : [***] Name : [25$..1.Set] Command [qweqweqweqwe]
30.07.2021 [20:13:16][INFO] Account : [***] Name : [25$..1.Set] Command [qweqweqweqwe]
30.07.2021 [20:13:23][INFO] Account : [***] Name : [25$..1.Set] Command [qweqweqweqweqweqweqwe]
30.07.2021 [20:13:28][INFO] Account : [***] Name : [25$..1.Set] Command [w/pkcleareqweqweqweqwe]

Player's Combo Master tag will be removed!

Game Rules for Macro Usage:
Using third party program, gaming mouse or keyboard with macro capabilities that executes potions and skills for you is strictly forbidden.
F8 - auto right click is not allowed for potions as well and we will not accept this as an excuse in case you left your character AFK and potions are executing by F8, we will accept this as Macro usage because there's no logic reason to let your character drink potions while AFK.
You will get into "suspected mode" if your combo and pots are non-stop or you do 4-skill combo (aka Rage combo) and you will get banned temporarily according to the ban procedures above.
Simulating AP/AC in chat system similar to "qweQW^EQ^WE" is also forbidden and applies with same ban procedure below:

What are the procedures if you get caught:
First Time: 1 month ban by Account;
Second Time: 3 months ban by Account;
Third Time: 1 Year ban by Account;
Fourth Time: Permanent ban by Account.
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Ban time reduced to 31 days. Ban appeal:
If in case, in the future, the player's account will appear on the detection list / fail again. +1 year ban time will be applied in accordance to Combo Master Rules.

Combo Master Rules:
Combo Master Requests section is now a private section, players will be able to see only their own requests, and if their request has been denied or approved.
every thread in this section will be visible only to Game Master's

this change is happening in order to invite more players who don't want to reveal their combo technique to try, and appeal for the "Combo Master" tag also.

every player who poses the "Combo Master" tag or will have it in the future will have to post a new request every 3 months to show that he/she still have the skills to be called a "Combo Master".
you must post a new request a week before your 3 months period ends!

Player who will get banned for any kind of macro or hack while having the "Combo Master" tag, or had the Combo Master Tag before, will be banned for 1 year and will never have a chance to apply for this tag ever again.
On each successful request the player will receive 25 IMES+2500 Gold Credits that will be added by Nikki.

Players who got banned for any kind of hack still can't apply for this tag!
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